
Evaluation of starch granules based on hydroxypropylcellulose as a substitute for excipient lactose
Evaluation of starch granules based on hydroxypropylcellulose as a substitute for excipient lactose
The improvement in flowability and adhesion of starch powder (SP) is essential for using starch as an excipient for lactos...
Association between roxadustat use and suppression of thyroid function: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Association between roxadustat use and suppression of thyroid function: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Based on several case reports and observational studies, there is a growing concern regarding the potential association be...
Citrate-based dietary alkali supplements available in Germany: an overview
Citrate-based dietary alkali supplements available in Germany: an overview
Fruits and vegetables are abundant in alkali precursors and effectively reduce the Potential Renal Acid Load (PRAL) from d...
Phospholipid biomarkers of coronary heart disease
Phospholipid biomarkers of coronary heart disease
Coronary heart disease, also known as ischemic heart disease, is induced by atherosclerosis, which is initiated by subendo...
Medication reconciliation by pharmacists for pre-admission patients improves patient safety
Medication reconciliation by pharmacists for pre-admission patients improves patient safety
Medication errors related to the pre-admission medication history obtained on admission are a major cause of medication er...
Impact of HBcrAg levels on HBsAg seroconversion after HBV rebound: a case report
Impact of HBcrAg levels on HBsAg seroconversion after HBV rebound: a case report
Nucleoside analogues (NAs) such as entecavir are required for at least 12 months when patients with resolved hepatit...