
Contradictory links between lipid levels and bone health: atherogenic index of plasma and bone microarchitecture
Contradictory links between lipid levels and bone health: atherogenic index of plasma and bone microarchitecture
Lipids increase osteoporosis and fracture risk, yet research on Atherogenic Index of Plasma (AIP), bone mineral density de...
Validation and the role of PDK4 relevant to ferroptosis in degenerative lumbar disc disease
Validation and the role of PDK4 relevant to ferroptosis in degenerative lumbar disc disease
Ferroptosis was involved in the pathogenesis of intervertebral disc degeneration (IVDD). However, the exact mechanism of I...
Application of collagen in bone regeneration
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Moderate static magnetic field regulates iron metabolism and salvage bone loss caused by iron accumulation
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A novel application perspective of the clinical-used drug verapamil on osteoporosis via targeting Txnip
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Does Lifelong Exercise Counteract Low-Grade Inflammation Associated with Aging? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Does Lifelong Exercise Counteract Low-Grade Inflammation Associated with Aging? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Aging is associated with sustained low-grade inflammation, which has been linked to age-related diseases and mortality. Lo...
Similar risks of complications and reoperation rates in proximal femur megaprostheses for oncological and non-oncological indications
Similar risks of complications and reoperation rates in proximal femur megaprostheses for oncological and non-oncological indications
Proximal femur megaprostheses (PFMPs) are used to manage large bone defects in both non-oncological indications (NOI) and ...
Normative values of grip and pinch strength and their predictor factors: PERSIAN cohort study of healthcare staff
Normative values of grip and pinch strength and their predictor factors: PERSIAN cohort study of healthcare staff
The present study aims to provide normative values for Hand Grip Strength (HGS) and Hand Pinch Strength of healthcare staf...
The importance of multiple Z- plasty- assisted physical therapy in the treatment of Dupuytren’s contracture
The importance of multiple Z- plasty- assisted physical therapy in the treatment of Dupuytren’s contracture
The palmar aponeurosis is extremely adherent to the skin above it. Many of the pre-tendinous coarse fibers enter the dermi...
Enhancing gait mechanics: The effectiveness of a novel walking aid
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The role of metabolites in the progression of osteoarthritis: Mechanisms and advances in therapy
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Road cones of medicine
Road cones of medicine
Road cones!They invade our lives at some point or another. At times, they cause us intense angst, and other times, we pass...
Refining the recipe or spoiling the broth? Reframing perceptions of programme adaptation in sports injury prevention
Refining the recipe or spoiling the broth? Reframing perceptions of programme adaptation in sports injury prevention
Multiple injury prevention exercise programmes have demonstrated efficacy under randomised controlled conditions.1 However...
International Delphi consensus on bone stress injuries in athletes
International Delphi consensus on bone stress injuries in athletes
IntroductionBone is a viscoelastic tissue with a unique ability to withstand applied loads.1 However, repetitive loading c...
Infographic. Muscle-strengthening exercise for older adults: a critical strategy for maintaining health and independence
Infographic. Muscle-strengthening exercise for older adults: a critical strategy for maintaining health and independence
Muscle-strengthening exercise (MSE)—also known as strength, weight or resistance training—includes activities that use equ...
Fibre: The Forgotten Carbohydrate in Sports Nutrition Recommendations
Fibre: The Forgotten Carbohydrate in Sports Nutrition Recommendations
Although dietary guidelines concerning carbohydrate intake for athletes are well established, these do not include recomme...