
PEG 400 Ion Suppression in Busulfan Detection by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry
PEG 400 Ion Suppression in Busulfan Detection by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry
*Clinical and Experimental Pharmacokinetics Unit, Department of Diagnostic Medicine, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico S...
Establishing and Extending the Use of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Neuropsychopharmacology
Establishing and Extending the Use of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Neuropsychopharmacology
Compared with that in previous decades, a prolonged phase of marked stagnation in the development of novel neuropsychophar...
Validation of Population Pharmacokinetic Models for Clozapine Dosage Prediction
Validation of Population Pharmacokinetic Models for Clozapine Dosage Prediction
Background: Clozapine is unique in its capacity to ameliorate severe schizophrenia but at high ri
Delayed Lithium Reintoxication in a Case of Severe Multidrug Intoxication: A Case Study
Delayed Lithium Reintoxication in a Case of Severe Multidrug Intoxication: A Case Study
Abstract: The authors present a case of severe multidrug intoxication following massive ingestion
Stability of 10 Beta-Lactam Antibiotics in Human Plasma at Different Storage Conditions
Stability of 10 Beta-Lactam Antibiotics in Human Plasma at Different Storage Conditions
Background: Recently, several studies have assessed the effects of therapeutic drug monitoring of
Enantiomer Plasma Concentrations of Tranylcypromine as a Test for Peripheral Monoamine Oxidase Inhibition
Enantiomer Plasma Concentrations of Tranylcypromine as a Test for Peripheral Monoamine Oxidase Inhibition
*Aristo Pharma GmbH, Medical-Scientific Department, Berlin, Germany; †Department of Psychiatry and Psychother...
Gentamicin Administration in Dialysis Patients: Before or After Hemodialysis?
Gentamicin Administration in Dialysis Patients: Before or After Hemodialysis?
Background: Gentamicin is used to treat severe infections and has a small therapeutic window. Thi
A Survey of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Status in China: Erratum
A Survey of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Status in China: Erratum
In the April 2023 issue of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, in the article “A Survey of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Status in ...
A Survey of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Status in China
A Survey of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Status in China
Objective: To understand the status of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) in China Mainland, and t