
Smoking status, symptom significance and healthcare seeking with lung cancer symptoms in the Danish general population
Smoking status, symptom significance and healthcare seeking with lung cancer symptoms in the Danish general population
This study analyses the associations between smoking status and perceived symptom significance (concern and influence on d...
High BMP7 Expression May Worsen Airway Disease in COPD by Altering Epithelial Cell Behavior
High BMP7 Expression May Worsen Airway Disease in COPD by Altering Epithelial Cell Behavior
BMP7 is highly expressed in the airway epithelia of patients with COPD, but its role in airway disease has not been fully ...
Continued Treatment with Nintedanib in Patients with Progressive Pulmonary Fibrosis: Data from INBUILD-ON
Continued Treatment with Nintedanib in Patients with Progressive Pulmonary Fibrosis: Data from INBUILD-ON
In the INBUILD trial in patients with progressive pulmonary fibrosis (PPF), nintedanib slowed the decline in forced vital ...
Effect of obstructive sleep apnea risk on sialorrhea in patients with Parkinson’s disease
Effect of obstructive sleep apnea risk on sialorrhea in patients with Parkinson’s disease
Our aim was to determine the effect of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) risk on sialorrhea in patients with Parkins...
Correlation of Aspergillus fumigatus Sensitization with Mucus Plugging in COPD
Correlation of Aspergillus fumigatus Sensitization with Mucus Plugging in COPD
Determining that in patients with COPD, Aspergillus sensitization was associated with lower lung function and mucus pluggi...
Surgical and Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction for Severe Emphysema: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis
Surgical and Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction for Severe Emphysema: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis
Along with lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS), bronchoscopic lung volume reduction is a treatment option for end-stage e...