
Chronic caffeine decreases anxiety-like behavior in the marble burying task in adolescent rats
Chronic caffeine decreases anxiety-like behavior in the marble burying task in adolescent rats
Exposure to chronic caffeine during adolescence has been shown to produce decreased anxiety-like beh
NSC689857, an inhibitor of Skp2, produces antidepressant-like effects in mice
NSC689857, an inhibitor of Skp2, produces antidepressant-like effects in mice
We have previously reported that two inhibitors of an E3 ligase S-phase kinase-associated protein 2
Discriminative stimulus properties of Cannabis sativa terpenes in rats
Discriminative stimulus properties of Cannabis sativa terpenes in rats
Cannabis is a pharmacologically complex plant consisting of hundreds of potentially active compounds
Opioid receptor antagonists reduce motivated wheel-running behavior in mice
Opioid receptor antagonists reduce motivated wheel-running behavior in mice
We hypothesized that opioid receptor antagonists would inhibit motivated behavior produced by a natu
Contingency learning in zebrafish exposed to apomorphine- and levetiracetam
Contingency learning in zebrafish exposed to apomorphine- and levetiracetam
Cognitive rigidity (CR) refers to inadequate executive adaptation in the face of changing circumstan
Anorectic effect of COR659 in a rat model of overeating
Anorectic effect of COR659 in a rat model of overeating
COR659 is a new compound, the action of which is exerted via a dual mechanism: positive allosteric m
Can we change automatic processes: the influence of social priming on alcohol attentional bias
Can we change automatic processes: the influence of social priming on alcohol attentional bias
The Stroop Effect has been linked to social concept priming, suggesting that the latter may trigger
Menstrual cycle influences on cue-induced smoking cravings and heart rate variability
Menstrual cycle influences on cue-induced smoking cravings and heart rate variability
Women experience greater difficulties in quitting smoking than men, though the hormonal factors cont
The role of lateral habenula NMDA receptors in tramadol-induced conditioning
The role of lateral habenula NMDA receptors in tramadol-induced conditioning
The role of the lateral habenula (LHb) as a hub for receiving and relaying signals from the limbic s
The effect of early and long-term propranolol therapy on learning and memory in mice
The effect of early and long-term propranolol therapy on learning and memory in mice
Propranolol is the treatment of choice for infantile hemangioma. We investigated the effects of long