
Immunomodulatory Significance of Mast Cell Exosomes (MC-EXOs) in Immune Response Coordination
Immunomodulatory Significance of Mast Cell Exosomes (MC-EXOs) in Immune Response Coordination
Mast cells (MCs) communicate with other cells by direct cell-to-cell interaction, secreting mediators, and releasing exoso...
Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-Based Therapy: A Promising Approach for Autoimmune Diseases
Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-Based Therapy: A Promising Approach for Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases are characterized by immune dysregulation, resulting in aberrant reactivity of T cells and antibodies ...
Multi-omics in Allergic Rhinitis: Mechanism Dissection and Precision Medicine
Multi-omics in Allergic Rhinitis: Mechanism Dissection and Precision Medicine
Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a common chronic inflammatory airway disease caused by inhaled allergens, and its prevalence has...
Lipid Metabolism: An Emerging Player in Sjögren’s Syndrome
Lipid Metabolism: An Emerging Player in Sjögren’s Syndrome
Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) is a chronic autoimmune disorder that primarily affects the exocrine glands. Due to the...
Crosstalk Between the Skin Environment and Microbial Community in Immune-Related Skin Diseases
Crosstalk Between the Skin Environment and Microbial Community in Immune-Related Skin Diseases
The skin surface hosts diverse skin microbiota, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Intricate interactions between the...
Age-Associated B Cells in Autoimmune Diseases: Pathogenesis and Clinical Implications
Age-Associated B Cells in Autoimmune Diseases: Pathogenesis and Clinical Implications
As a heterogeneous B cell subset, age-associated B cells (ABCs) exhibit distinct transcription profiles, extrafollicular d...
Nanotechnology-Based Therapeutics for Airway Inflammatory Diseases
Nanotechnology-Based Therapeutics for Airway Inflammatory Diseases
Under the concept of “one airway, one disease”, upper and lower airway inflammatory diseases share similar pat...
Allergens in Atopic Dermatitis
Allergens in Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease with a complex relationship to allergens. While AD itself is...
Clinical and Pathophysiological Tangles Between Allergy and Autoimmunity: Deconstructing an Old Dichotomic Paradigm
Clinical and Pathophysiological Tangles Between Allergy and Autoimmunity: Deconstructing an Old Dichotomic Paradigm
Allergic and autoimmune disorders are characterised by dysregulation of the immune responses to otherwise inert environmen...
Emerging Mechanisms and Biomarkers Associated with T-Cells and B-Cells in Autoimmune Disorders
Emerging Mechanisms and Biomarkers Associated with T-Cells and B-Cells in Autoimmune Disorders
Autoimmune diseases are characterized by the dysregulation of B-cells, which are responsible for antibody production again...
Macrophages Unmasked: Their Pivotal Role in Driving Atherosclerosis in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Macrophages Unmasked: Their Pivotal Role in Driving Atherosclerosis in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular diseas...
Effect of Dupilumab in CRSwNP Sinonasal Outcomes from Real Life Studies: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis
Effect of Dupilumab in CRSwNP Sinonasal Outcomes from Real Life Studies: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis
Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) is a debilitating inflammatory condition that significantly impacts qual...
Die pivotale Bedeutung der optimalen Dosis in der Allergen-Immuntherapie
Die pivotale Bedeutung der optimalen Dosis in der Allergen-Immuntherapie
Seit 2008 wird mit dem Beginn der Therapieallergene-Verordnung (TAV) in Deutschland der Zulassungsprozess für die Ent...
Allergologie im Kloster - Termin jetzt vormerken!
Allergologie im Kloster - Termin jetzt vormerken!
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Beginnt eine neue Ära bei Nahrungsmittelallergien?
Beginnt eine neue Ära bei Nahrungsmittelallergien?
Die US-amerikanische Arzneimittelzulassungsbehörde FDA (Food and Drug Administration) hat Omalizumab zur Behandlung von Ig...
Eosinophile Ösophagitis: Dupilumab für Kinder ab einem Jahr zugelassen
Eosinophile Ösophagitis: Dupilumab für Kinder ab einem Jahr zugelassen
Gute klinische Ergebnisse und Sicherheitsdaten führten zu einer Zulassungserweiterung...
Knoblauchallergie: Finger weg von Aioli!
Knoblauchallergie: Finger weg von Aioli!
In nahezu allen Ländern der Welt wird in der Küche Knoblauch (Allium sativum) verwend...
CRSwNP: Wie bewährt sich Dupilumab im Praxisalltag?
CRSwNP: Wie bewährt sich Dupilumab im Praxisalltag?
Studien belegen die Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von Dupilumab (Dupixent®) bei der Beha...
Kastanienallergie: Link zu Beifuß?
Kastanienallergie: Link zu Beifuß?
Da Rosskastanien (Aesculus hippocastanum) von Insekten bestäubt werden, spielen Aller...
AeDA-Zertifikat „Biological Nurse“ - ein Rück- und Ausblick
AeDA-Zertifikat „Biological Nurse“ - ein Rück- und Ausblick
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Deutscher Allergiekongress feiert 20-jähriges Jubiläum
Deutscher Allergiekongress feiert 20-jähriges Jubiläum
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, zum 20. Deutschen Allergiekongress laden wir Sie nach...
Offener oraler Provokationstest reicht bei Cashew-, Haselnuss- oder Erdnussallergie aus
Offener oraler Provokationstest reicht bei Cashew-, Haselnuss- oder Erdnussallergie aus
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Immunological Effects of Electronic Cigarette Use: A Review of Current Evidence
Immunological Effects of Electronic Cigarette Use: A Review of Current Evidence
Electronic cigarettes (EC) have emerged as a popular alternative to traditional tobacco products, but their impact on immu...
Hypersensitivity Reactions to Anticonvulsants
Hypersensitivity Reactions to Anticonvulsants
Antiepileptics are the mainstay of treatment for seizure management. Immediate and delayed hypersensitivity reactions asso...
Short-Chain Fatty Acids: Promising Therapeutic Targets for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection
Short-Chain Fatty Acids: Promising Therapeutic Targets for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection
The intestinal microbiota is a complex community of organisms present in the human gastrointestinal tract, some of which c...
TTC7A Variants Results in Gastrointestinal Defects and Immunodeficiency Syndrome: Case Series and Literature Review
TTC7A Variants Results in Gastrointestinal Defects and Immunodeficiency Syndrome: Case Series and Literature Review
Gastrointestinal Defects and Immunodeficiency Syndrome-1 (GIDID-1), caused by abnormalities in TTC7A, is an autosomal rece...
The Impact of the Indoor Environment on Childhood Asthma
The Impact of the Indoor Environment on Childhood Asthma
This manuscript reviews the impact of important indoor environmental exposures on pediatric asthma, with a focus on recent...
Histone Modifications and DNA Methylation in Psoriasis: A Cellular Perspective
Histone Modifications and DNA Methylation in Psoriasis: A Cellular Perspective
In recent years, epigenetic modifications have attracted significant attention due to their unique regulatory mechanisms a...
Exosomes in Autoimmune Diseases: A Review of Mechanisms and Diagnostic Applications
Exosomes in Autoimmune Diseases: A Review of Mechanisms and Diagnostic Applications
Exosomes, small extracellular vesicles secreted by various cell types, have emerged as key players in the pathophysiology ...