
Frailty or sarcopenia: which is a better indicator of mortality risk in older adults?
Frailty or sarcopenia: which is a better indicator of mortality risk in older adults?
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICAlthough sarcopenia and frailty often coexist, they are conceptually different. While b...
Six-year change in high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T with subsequent stroke risk in the general population
Six-year change in high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T with subsequent stroke risk in the general population
If you wish to reuse any or all of this article please use the link below which will take you to the Copyright Cleara...
Changes in food habits during the transition to retirement: the Whitehall II cohort study
Changes in food habits during the transition to retirement: the Whitehall II cohort study
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICWHAT THIS STUDY ADDSThe transition to retirement is accompanied by favourable (increase...
Key considerations in understanding retirements health impact
Key considerations in understanding retirements health impact
Lagström et al explore whether the transition to retirement is associated with changes in dietary intake, specifically fis...
Educational inequalities in deaths of despair in 14 OECD countries: a cross-sectional observational study
Educational inequalities in deaths of despair in 14 OECD countries: a cross-sectional observational study
IntroductionDeaths of despair comprise deaths from drug overdose (including alcohol poisoning), suicide and alcoholic live...
Correction: Short-term effect of colorectal cancer on income: analysis of an italian cohort
Correction: Short-term effect of colorectal cancer on income: analysis of an italian cohort
Farina E, Rosso M, Dansero L, et al. Short-term effect of colorectal cancer on income: analysis of an Italian cohort. J Ep...
Redlining in New York City: impacts on particulate matter exposure during pregnancy and birth outcomes
Redlining in New York City: impacts on particulate matter exposure during pregnancy and birth outcomes
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICWHAT THIS STUDY ADDSThis study examines redlining’s indirect impact on birth weight in ...
Impact of early childhood infection on child development and school performance: a population-based study
Impact of early childhood infection on child development and school performance: a population-based study
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICPrevious epidemiological studies have shown that childhood infections requiring hospita...
Psychotherapy use among migrants: a register-based longitudinal study
Psychotherapy use among migrants: a register-based longitudinal study