
Walking control of humanoid robots based on improved footstep planner and whole-body coordination controller
1 Introduction Walking serves as the foundation for humanoid robots to operate stably in various environments, its dynami...
A survey of decision-making and planning methods for self-driving vehicles
1 Introduction 1.1 Background Autonomous driving technology exemplifies a crucial application of robotics theories and te...
Path planning of mobile robot based on improved double deep Q-network algorithm
1 Introduction In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the utilization of mobile robots in a variety of fi...
Latent space improved masked reconstruction model for human skeleton-based action recognition
1 Introduction Action recognition has consistently remained an active topic of research within the realm of computer visi...
A conceptual approach to material detection based on damping vibration-force signals via robot
1 Introduction Over several decades, robots have replaced humans for greater efficiency and manipulation of objects in va...
A scalable multi-modal learning fruit detection algorithm for dynamic environments
1 Introduction Accurate yield estimation is paramount for effective crop management, allowing growers to optimize fertili...
Construction of multi-robot platform based on dobot robots
1 Introduction Physical experiments (Xie et al., 2024b; Liufu et al., 2024; Liu et al., 2024; Jin et al., 2021) have alwa...
Universal slip detection of robotic hand with tactile sensing
1 Introduction The importance of tactile feedback has been emphasized by studies in human motor control, which show that...
Noise-immune zeroing neural dynamics for dynamic signal source localization system and robotic applications in the presence of noise
Generally, in a dynamic signal source localization system, a sensor array is deployed within a reasonable range. This arra...
Critical review on the relationship between design variables and performance of dexterous hands: a quantitative analysis
1 Introduction With the development of humanoid robots and dexterous hands, the application scenarios for dexterous hand...
LoCS-Net: Localizing convolutional spiking neural network for fast visual place recognition
1 Introduction Visual place recognition (VPR) refers to the capability of identifying locations within a physical environ...
Privacy-preserving ADP for secure tracking control of AVRs against unreliable communication
> 0, ι=[ι1,...,ιm]T. The function h(·) is assumed to be a monotonic odd function satisfying h(0) = 0. For the purposes...
Transformer-based short-term traffic forecasting model considering traffic spatiotemporal correlation
1 Introduction Traffic forecasting is a fundamental component of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). The primary g...
NavBLIP: a visual-language model for enhancing unmanned aerial vehicles navigation and object detection
1 Introduction Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have become increasingly prominent in tasks such as autonomous navigation ...
Brain-inspired multimodal motion and fine-grained action recognition
1 Introduction In the context of rapid advancements in information technology, motion action recognition has emerged as a...
AMEEGNet: attention-based multiscale EEGNet for effective motor imagery EEG decoding
1 Introduction Brain-computer interface (BCI) is an innovative interdisciplinary research field that combines biomedical...
Improved object detection method for autonomous driving based on DETR
. The K loss functions correspond to the K objectives to be optimized, and multiple objectives are merged into a single on...
Graph Convolutional Networks for multi-modal robotic martial arts leg pose recognition
1 Introduction Leg pose recognition in martial arts performance has become an essential task for applications in sports a...
Cross-modality fusion with EEG and text for enhanced emotion detection in English writing
1 Introduction Emotion detection is crucial in fields such as human-computer interaction, mental health monitoring, and s...
Deep reinforcement learning and robust SLAM based robotic control algorithm for self-driving path optimization
1 Introduction At present, self-driving technology is one of the research hotspots in the field of artificial intelligen...
A portable EEG signal acquisition system and a limited-electrode channel classification network for SSVEP
1 Introduction Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are a rapidly evolving field situated at the convergence of neuroscience,...
Editorial: Brain-inspired autonomous driving
Autonomous driving is one of the hallmarks of arIficial intelligence. Neuromorphic, brain-inspired compuIng architectures,...
Integrating attention mechanism and boundary detection for building segmentation from remote sensing images
1 Introduction With the rapid development of the social economy, buildings have become an important part of the city. As...
FusionU10: enhancing pedestrian detection in low-light complex tourist scenes through multimodal fusion
1 Introduction According to statistics from the World Tourism Organization, the number of international tourists has incr...
Directional Spatial and Spectral Attention Network (DSSA Net) for EEG-based emotion recognition
1 Introduction Emotion plays a crucial role in our daily lives, manifesting through various forms such as auditory cues, ...
KalmanFormer: using transformer to model the Kalman Gain in Kalman Filters
It is the most fundamental task to track the hidden state of a dynamical system by using the noisy measurements in real-ti...
RL-QPSO net: deep reinforcement learning-enhanced QPSO for efficient mobile robot path planning
and corresponding control inputs U = that minimize a cost function J(Q, U), subject to constraints on dynamics, control ...
MSGU-Net: a lightweight multi-scale ghost U-Net for image segmentation
1 Introduction In recent years, deep neural networks have been widely used in different fields (Chollet, 2017; Wu et al....
Architectural planning robot driven by unsupervised learning for space optimization
1 Introduction Optimizing architectural spaces and 3D reconstruction are pivotal challenges in modern urban planning and ...
MGFusion: a multimodal large language model-guided information perception for infrared and visible image fusion
1 Introduction In recent years, image fusion technology has garnered significant attention in the field of computer visio...