
Reduction in motor error by presenting subthreshold somatosensory information during visuomotor tracking tasks
Reduction in motor error by presenting subthreshold somatosensory information during visuomotor tracking tasks
Weak sensory noise acts on the nervous system and promotes sensory and motor functions. This phenomenon is called stochast...
Perceptual decoupling in the sustained attention to response task is unlikely
Perceptual decoupling in the sustained attention to response task is unlikely
Researchers dispute the cause of errors in high Go, low No Go target detection tasks, like the Sustained Attention to Resp...
Contribution of external reference frame to tactile localization
Contribution of external reference frame to tactile localization
The purpose of the present study was to elucidate whether an external reference frame contributes to tactile localization ...
The influence of travel time on perceived traveled distance varies by spatiotemporal scale
The influence of travel time on perceived traveled distance varies by spatiotemporal scale
The influence of travel time on perceived traveled distance has often been studied, but the results are inconsistent regar...
Explaining the influence of practice on the grooved pegboard times of older adults: role of force steadiness
Explaining the influence of practice on the grooved pegboard times of older adults: role of force steadiness
The purpose was to identify the variables that can explain the variance in the grooved pegboard times of older adults cate...
Sex differences in visuospatial cognition- a female advantage in jigsaw puzzle solving
Sex differences in visuospatial cognition- a female advantage in jigsaw puzzle solving
Mentally visualizing objects, understanding relationships between two- or three- dimensional objects, and manipulating obj...
Frontal cortex neurometabolites and mobility in older adults: a preliminary study
Frontal cortex neurometabolites and mobility in older adults: a preliminary study
Background: The frontal cortex, relevant to global cognition and motor function, is recruited to compensate for mobility d...
Attention facilitates initiation of perceptual decision making: a combined psychophysical and electroencephalography study
Attention facilitates initiation of perceptual decision making: a combined psychophysical and electroencephalography study
Humans can selectively process information and make decisions by directing their attention to desired locations in their d...
New evidence for the sensorimotor mismatch theory of weight perception and the size-weight illusion
New evidence for the sensorimotor mismatch theory of weight perception and the size-weight illusion
The size-weight illusion is a phenomenon where a smaller object is perceived heavier than an equally weighted larger objec...
The inhibitory effect of a recent distractor: singleton vs. multiple distractors
The inhibitory effect of a recent distractor: singleton vs. multiple distractors
In the complex interplay between sensory and cognitive processes, the brain must sift through a flood of sensory data to p...
Traumatic brain injury heterogeneity affects cell death and autophagy
Traumatic brain injury heterogeneity affects cell death and autophagy
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) mechanism and severity are heterogenous clinically, resulting in a multitude of physical, cog...
Reliability of transcranial magnetic stimulation-evoked responses on knee extensor muscles during cycling
Reliability of transcranial magnetic stimulation-evoked responses on knee extensor muscles during cycling
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) measures the excitability and inhibition of corticomotor networks. Despite its tas...
The effects of auditory consequences on visuomotor adaptation and motor memory
The effects of auditory consequences on visuomotor adaptation and motor memory
Sensorimotor adaptation is a form of motor learning that is essential for maintaining motor performance across the lifespa...
Neurocognitive performance of badminton players at different competitive levels in visuospatial attention tasks
Neurocognitive performance of badminton players at different competitive levels in visuospatial attention tasks
Visuospatial attention (VSA) is a cognitive function that enables athletes, particularly those engaged in open-skill sport...
Muscle synergies for multidirectional isometric force generation during maintenance of upright standing posture
Muscle synergies for multidirectional isometric force generation during maintenance of upright standing posture
Muscle synergies are defined as coordinated recruitment of groups of muscles with specific activation balances and time pr...
Distinct locomotor adaptation between conventional walking and walking with a walker
Distinct locomotor adaptation between conventional walking and walking with a walker
Rolling walkers are common walking aids for individuals with poor physical fitness or balance impairments. There is no dou...
Evidence for the differential efficacy of yaw and pitch gaze stabilization mechanisms in people with multiple sclerosis
Evidence for the differential efficacy of yaw and pitch gaze stabilization mechanisms in people with multiple sclerosis
People with multiple sclerosis (PwMS) who report dizziness often have gaze instability due to vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR...
Prefrontal cortex oxygenation during a mentally fatiguing task in normoxia and hypoxia
Prefrontal cortex oxygenation during a mentally fatiguing task in normoxia and hypoxia
Mental fatigue (MF) and hypoxia impair cognitive performance through changes in brain hemodynamics. We want to elucidate t...
Piracetam reduces oxidative stress and mitochondrial function impairment in an in vitro model of vascular dementia
Piracetam reduces oxidative stress and mitochondrial function impairment in an in vitro model of vascular dementia
Vascular dementia (VaD) is the most common cause of dementia in older adults. Due to the lack of effective treatment optio...
Visuo-spatial complexity potentiates the body-part effect in intransitive imitation of meaningless gestures
Visuo-spatial complexity potentiates the body-part effect in intransitive imitation of meaningless gestures
Recent studies on the imitation of intransitive gestures suggest that the body part effect relies mainly upon the direct r...
Interhemispheric inhibition and gait adaptation associations in people with multiple sclerosis
Interhemispheric inhibition and gait adaptation associations in people with multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is a neurodegenerative disease that damages the myelin sheath within the central nervous system. Axonal...
Auditory vigilance task performance and cerebral hemodynamics: effects of spatial uncertainty
Auditory vigilance task performance and cerebral hemodynamics: effects of spatial uncertainty
The vigilance decrement, a temporal decline in detection performance, has been observed across multiple sensory modalities...