
Exploring Influence of Different Emotions on Decision-Making by Analyzing the Temporal, Spatial, and Spectral Domains of EEG
Exploring Influence of Different Emotions on Decision-Making by Analyzing the Temporal, Spatial, and Spectral Domains of EEG
Decision-making is a complex cognitive process, in which emotion is one of the most important factors. But insights into t...
Application of Metaheuristic Algorithms with Supervised Machine Learning for Accurate Power Consumption Prediction
Application of Metaheuristic Algorithms with Supervised Machine Learning for Accurate Power Consumption Prediction
Accurate power consumption prediction is a crucial part of energy management. Some of the machine learning models that are...
Innovative Deep Learning Framework for Accurate Plant Disease Detection and Crop Productivity Enhancement
Innovative Deep Learning Framework for Accurate Plant Disease Detection and Crop Productivity Enhancement
In modern agriculture, the detection of plant diseases is crucial for enhancing crop productivity. Predicting disease onse...
HLAE: Hierarchical Local Attention Encoder for MRI Brain Tumor Image Classification
HLAE: Hierarchical Local Attention Encoder for MRI Brain Tumor Image Classification
MRI-based brain tumor classification is a challenging neuroimaging task, where the key lies in leveraging ensemble informa...
A Weakly Supervised Data Labeling Framework for Machine Lexical Normalization in Vietnamese Social Media
A Weakly Supervised Data Labeling Framework for Machine Lexical Normalization in Vietnamese Social Media
This study introduces an innovative automatic labeling framework to address the challenges of lexical normalization in soc...
Tweet Credibility Ranker: A Credibility Features’ Fusion Model
Tweet Credibility Ranker: A Credibility Features’ Fusion Model
Misinformation on social media has emerged as a modern weapon of warfare, disrupting societal peace, trust, justice, and d...
An Adaptive Neural Network Algorithm with Quasi Opposition-Based Learning for Numerical Optimization Problems
An Adaptive Neural Network Algorithm with Quasi Opposition-Based Learning for Numerical Optimization Problems
The structure of artificial neural networks and the biological nervous systems serve as the foundation for the creation of...
Engaging Preference Optimization Alignment in Large Language Model for Continual Radiology Report Generation: A Hybrid Approach
Engaging Preference Optimization Alignment in Large Language Model for Continual Radiology Report Generation: A Hybrid Approach
Large language models (LLMs) remain relatively underutilized in medical imaging, particularly in radiology, which is essen...
Augmenting Cardiovascular Disease Prediction Through CWCF Integration Leveraging Harris Hawks Search in Deep Belief Networks
Augmenting Cardiovascular Disease Prediction Through CWCF Integration Leveraging Harris Hawks Search in Deep Belief Networks
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major global health concern, demanding accurate predictive models to aid preventive heal...
Dynamic Behavior of Three-Layer Fractional-Order Neural Networks with Multiple Delays
Dynamic Behavior of Three-Layer Fractional-Order Neural Networks with Multiple Delays
Most of the complex network in the real world are not single-layer networks, and networks will be connected with each othe...
Learning to Calibrate Prototypes for Few-Shot Image Classification
Learning to Calibrate Prototypes for Few-Shot Image Classification
Few-shot learning (FSL) aims to generalise the model to novel classes by using a limited amount of discriminative samples ...
A Novel Hyperparameter Optimization Approach for Supervised Classification: Phase Prediction of Multi-Principal Element Alloys
A Novel Hyperparameter Optimization Approach for Supervised Classification: Phase Prediction of Multi-Principal Element Alloys
In this paper, a hyperparameter optimization approach is proposed for the phase prediction of multi-principal element allo...
An Asymmetric Semantic Segmentation Model via Lightweight Attention-Guided Feature Enhancement and Fusion
An Asymmetric Semantic Segmentation Model via Lightweight Attention-Guided Feature Enhancement and Fusion
Semantic segmentation is widely used in fields such as autonomous driving and unmanned aerial vehicle navigation. However,...
Development of a Decision Support System for Performance Measurement of Social Movements
Development of a Decision Support System for Performance Measurement of Social Movements
Social movements encompass the collective actions of groups gathered under the same goal, operating within a specific orga...
Exploiting Deep Contrast Feature for Image Retrieval
Exploiting Deep Contrast Feature for Image Retrieval
In the field of content-based image retrieval (CBIR), fused feature-based methods have demonstrated their advanced perform...
Context-Aware Prediction with Secure and Lightweight Cognitive Decision Model in Smart Cities
Context-Aware Prediction with Secure and Lightweight Cognitive Decision Model in Smart Cities
Cognitive networks with the integration of smart and physical devices are rapidly utilized for the development of smart ci...
Functional Connectivity Imbalance Between Positive and Negative Networks in Mild Cognitive Impairment via Feature Selection
Functional Connectivity Imbalance Between Positive and Negative Networks in Mild Cognitive Impairment via Feature Selection
Association A. 2019 Alzheimer’s disease facts and figures. Alzheimers Dement. 2019;15(3):321–87.Article  MATH  ...
I2V-CMGAN: Generative Adversarial Cross-Modal Network-Based Image-to-Video Person Re-identification
I2V-CMGAN: Generative Adversarial Cross-Modal Network-Based Image-to-Video Person Re-identification
Information asymmetry situation amongst image and video features in image-to-video (I2V) person re-identification (Re-ID) ...
BrainEnsemble: A Brain-Inspired Effective Ensemble Pruning Algorithm for Pattern Classification
BrainEnsemble: A Brain-Inspired Effective Ensemble Pruning Algorithm for Pattern Classification
The human brain comprises distinct regions, each with specific functions. Interconnected through neural pathways, the brai...
A Non-invasive Approach for Early Alzheimer’s Detection Through Spontaneous Speech Analysis Using Deep Visibility Graphs
A Non-invasive Approach for Early Alzheimer’s Detection Through Spontaneous Speech Analysis Using Deep Visibility Graphs
Identifying Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in its early stages is a challenging task for physicians and clinicians. This p...
Short-Term Power Load Forecasting in City Based on ISSA-BiTCN-LSTM
Short-Term Power Load Forecasting in City Based on ISSA-BiTCN-LSTM
Accurate short-term power load forecasting is crucial for the stable operation of power systems. In this paper, we propose...
Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Yager Power Operators and Possibility Degree-Based Group Decision-Making Model
Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Yager Power Operators and Possibility Degree-Based Group Decision-Making Model
As an extended form of intuitionistic fuzzy set, the theory of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy set (IVIFS) can descri...
Unified Multi-view Data Clustering: Simultaneous Learning of Consensus Coefficient Matrix and Similarity Graph
Unified Multi-view Data Clustering: Simultaneous Learning of Consensus Coefficient Matrix and Similarity Graph
Integrating data from multiple sources or views has become increasingly common in data analysis, particularly in fields li...
Convolutional Cross-Modal Autoencoder-Based Few-Shot Learning for Data Augmentation with Application to Alzheimer Dementia Diagnosis
Convolutional Cross-Modal Autoencoder-Based Few-Shot Learning for Data Augmentation with Application to Alzheimer Dementia Diagnosis
This paper presents a novel deep few-shot learning method for magnetic resonance images-based Alzheimer’s dementia (...
A Novel Depth-Connected Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Small Defect Detection in Additive Manufacturing
A Novel Depth-Connected Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Small Defect Detection in Additive Manufacturing
Defect detection on the computed tomography (CT) images plays an important role in the development of metallic additive ma...
A Comparative Analysis of Metaphorical Cognition in ChatGPT and Human Minds
A Comparative Analysis of Metaphorical Cognition in ChatGPT and Human Minds
ChatGPT represents a significant advancement in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), showcasing the development of a...
Neural Adaptive Dynamic Event-Triggered Containment Control for Uncertain Multi-Agent Systems Under Markovian Switching Dynamics
Neural Adaptive Dynamic Event-Triggered Containment Control for Uncertain Multi-Agent Systems Under Markovian Switching Dynamics
In this paper, we propose the containment control problem for multi-agent systems with Markovian switching dynamics by pro...