
Host genetics maps to behaviour and brain structure in developmental mice
Host genetics maps to behaviour and brain structure in developmental mice
Gene-environment interactions in the postnatal period have a long-term impact on neurodevelopment. To effectively assess n...
Altered trial-to-trial responses to reward outcomes in KCNMA1 knockout mice during probabilistic learning tasks
Altered trial-to-trial responses to reward outcomes in KCNMA1 knockout mice during probabilistic learning tasks
The large-conductance calcium- and voltage-activated potassium (BK) channels, encoded by the KCNMA1 gene, play important r...
Uncovering hidden prosocial behaviors underlying aggression motivation in mice and young children
Uncovering hidden prosocial behaviors underlying aggression motivation in mice and young children
Animals exhibit a wide range of social behaviors, including positive actions that promote social cohesion and negative beh...
Spectral tuning and after-effects in neural entrainment
Spectral tuning and after-effects in neural entrainment
Neural entrainment has become a popular technique to non-invasively manipulate brain rhythms via external, periodic stimul...
Paternal preconception donepezil exposure enhances learning in offspring
Paternal preconception donepezil exposure enhances learning in offspring
Recent research has indicated that parental use of central nervous system-targeting medications during periconceptional pe...
MRS-assessed brain GABA modulation in response to task performance and learning
MRS-assessed brain GABA modulation in response to task performance and learning
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the most important inhibitory neurotransmitter in the human brain, has long been considere...
Social and emotional alterations in mice lacking the short dystrophin-gene product, Dp71
Social and emotional alterations in mice lacking the short dystrophin-gene product, Dp71
The Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies (DMD, BMD) are neuromuscular disorders commonly associated with diverse cogni...
Effects of caffeine intake on pupillary parameters in humans: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Effects of caffeine intake on pupillary parameters in humans: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Caffeine is a widely used drug that broadly affects human cognition and brain function. Caffeine acts as an antagonist to ...
Nucleus accumbens ghrelin signaling controls anxiety-like behavioral response to acute stress
Nucleus accumbens ghrelin signaling controls anxiety-like behavioral response to acute stress
Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental disorders. Ghrelin is a critical orexigenic brain-gut peptide that reg...
Neuroanatomical correlates of musicianship in left-handers
Neuroanatomical correlates of musicianship in left-handers
Left-handedness is a condition that reverses the typical left cerebral dominance of motor control to an atypical right dom...
Graph analysis uncovers an opposing impact of methylphenidate on connectivity patterns within default mode network sub-divisions
Graph analysis uncovers an opposing impact of methylphenidate on connectivity patterns within default mode network sub-divisions
The Default Mode Network (DMN) is a central neural network, with recent evidence indicating that it is composed of functio...
Visual training after central retinal loss limits structural white matter degradation: an MRI study
Visual training after central retinal loss limits structural white matter degradation: an MRI study
Macular degeneration of the eye is a common cause of blindness and affects 8% of the worldwide human population. In adult ...
Beyond visual integration: sensitivity of the temporal-parietal junction for objects, places, and faces
Beyond visual integration: sensitivity of the temporal-parietal junction for objects, places, and faces
One important role of the TPJ is the contribution to perception of the global gist in hierarchically organized stimuli whe...