
Population parameters of Drosophila larval cooperative foraging
Population parameters of Drosophila larval cooperative foraging
Cooperative foraging behavior can be advantageous when there is a common exploitable resource. By cooperating, members of ...
Mechanoecology: biomechanical aspects of insect-plant interactions
Mechanoecology: biomechanical aspects of insect-plant interactions
Plants and herbivorous insects as well as their natural enemies, such as predatory and parasitoid insects, are united by i...
Evidence for tactile 3D shape discrimination by octopus
Evidence for tactile 3D shape discrimination by octopus
Octopuses integrate visual, chemical and tactile sensory information while foraging and feeding in complex marine habitats...
Avian migration clocks in a changing world
Avian migration clocks in a changing world
Avian long-distance migration requires refined programming to orchestrate the birds’ movements on annual temporal an...
Non-celestial polarization vision in arthropods
Non-celestial polarization vision in arthropods
Most insects can detect the pattern of polarized light in the sky with the dorsal rim area in their compound eyes and use ...
One seasonal clock fits all?
One seasonal clock fits all?
Adaptation of physiology and behavior to seasonal changes in the environment are for many organisms essential for survival...
A clock for all seasons in the subterranean
A clock for all seasons in the subterranean
In 1976, Pittendrigh and Daan established a theoretical framework which has coordinated research on circadian clock entrai...