
Quantum features of the transport through ion channels in the soft knock-on model
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Emergence of temporal noise hierarchy in co-regulated genes of multi-output feed-forward loop
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Theory of epigenetic switching due to stochastic histone mark loss during DNA replication
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A role of fear on diseased food web model with multiple functional response
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Unraveling the role of exercise in cancer suppression: insights from a mathematical model
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An exactly solvable model for RNA polymerase during the elongation stage
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A theoretical framework for predicting the heterogeneous stiffness map of brain white matter tissue
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Variability in individual native fibrin fiber mechanics
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Exploring sperm cell rheotaxis in microfluidic channel: the role of flow and viscosity
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Application of coincidence index in the discovery of co-expressed metabolic pathways
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Instabilities and self–organization in spatiotemporal epidemic dynamics driven by nonlinearity and noise
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Tradeoffs in the design of RNA thermometers
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Design principles of multi-map variation in biological systems
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Mechanical compression regulates tumor spheroid invasion into a 3D collagen matrix
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An effective hydrodynamic description of marching locusts
In the raw data (figure 2(Ci)) there is a clear anisotropy, with near neighbors more likely to be found on the sides than ...
Modeling cancer progression: an integrated workflow extending data-driven kinetic models to bio-mechanical PDE models
Computational modeling of cancer can help unveil dynamics and interactions that are hard to replicate experim...
Coupled action potential and calcium dynamics underlie robust spontaneous firing in dopaminergic neurons
Dopaminergic neurons (DAs) are specialized neurons tasked with dopamine secretion, which is crucial in regulation of muscl...
Structural maturation of myofilaments in engineered 3D cardiac microtissues characterized using small angle x-ray scattering
Understanding the structural and functional development of human-induced pluripotent stem-cell-derived cardio...
Universal calcium fluctuations in Hydra morphogenesis
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Seeking and sharing information in collective olfactory search
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Calcium storage in multivesicular endo-lysosome
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Rapid prediction of lab-grown tissue properties using deep learning
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