
DAFNE is agile and responsive—a beacon of best practice
DAFNE Study Training in flexible, intensive insulin management to enable dietary freedom in people w...
Severe DKA at presentation in young people - is it always type 1 diabetes?
Diabetes - type 2: What is it? [Internet]. NICE, 2023. Available at:
Null variant homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia: genetic analysis and 34 years follow-up
Goldstein JL, Brown MS. Binding and degradation of low density lipoproteins by cultured human fibrob...
Exploring the value of peer support for people living with type 1 diabetes
The British Journal of Diabetes is the official journal of ABCD (Diabetes Care), a company limited by shares in Engla...
Managing menopause in women with diabetes
Global, regional, and national burden of diabetes from 1990 to 2021, with projections of prevalence ...
Is a low-calorie diet (LCD) key to treating type 2 diabetes holistically?
NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme, 2024. Available from:
Co-existence of type 1 diabetes and monogenic diabetes in one family: getting the diagnosis right
Tattersall RB, Fajans SS. A difference between the inheritance of classical juvenile-onset and matur...
Mental capacity, declining insulin injections and multidisciplinary team working
Public Health England. 3.8 million people in England now have diabetes [Internet]. 2016 [cited 2024 ...
Is lasting remission feasible in the real-world setting? No!
Captieux M, Prigge R, Wild S, Guthrie B. Defining remission of type 2 diabetes in research studies: ...
Diabesity and microvascular disease: the impact of weight loss
Bashir B, Iqbal Z, Adam S, et al. Microvascular complications of diabetes and obesity – role of bari...
Advances in detection, prevention and treatment of heart failure in type 2 diabetes: part I
Rawshani A, Rawshani A, Franzén S, et al. Risk factors, mortality, and cardiovascular outcomes in pa...
Update on recent advances in technology in type 1 diabetes
Roep BO, Thomaidou S, van Tienhoven R, Zaldumbide A. Type 1 diabetes mellitus as a disease of the β-...
Advances in detection, prevention and treatment of heart failure in type 2 diabetes: part II
Heidenreich PA, Bozkurt B, Aguilar D, et al. 2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA guideline for the management of heart...
Is lasting remission feasible in the real-world setting? Yes!
Taylor R. Pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes: tracing the reverse route from cure to cause. Diabetologi...
Putting EMPA-REG into practice: a data-driven intervention
Scottish Diabetes Group. Scottish Diabetes Survey 2021. [Internet]. Diabetes in Scotland; 2023 Feb 1...