
Longitudinal Analysis of a Mathematics Education Publication
Longitudinal Analysis of a Mathematics Education Publication
This research examines a 58-year, 202 sequential issues, longitudinal published record of the Ontario Mathematics Gazette....
A Tale of Two Exams
A Tale of Two Exams
Mathematics is a rich and beautiful playground of ideas, the apex of human creativity and ingenuity, applicable to all the...
The Dishwasher System: Dealing with Defamation
The Dishwasher System: Dealing with Defamation
As a person obsessed, perhaps overly so, with preventing water damage, an ailing dishwasher led to a system whereby who di...
Developing Computational Thinking Using LYNX for Loom Beading Designs in Grade 5
Developing Computational Thinking Using LYNX for Loom Beading Designs in Grade 5
In this study, a research team made up of Métis artists and knowledge keepers, Anishinaabe and non-Indigenous educato...
Shifting Towards Didactic Thinking Development as a Tool for Mathematics Teachers’ Agency
Shifting Towards Didactic Thinking Development as a Tool for Mathematics Teachers’ Agency
Contributing to a scientific field is not always a scenic route. One cannot always act in the world according to the poste...
Indigenous Mathematics: From Mainstream Misconceptions to Educational Enrichment
Indigenous Mathematics: From Mainstream Misconceptions to Educational Enrichment
The old canard that Indigenous and First Nations peoples had, or have, only rudimentary mathematical skills has been curio...
Analyzing Teacher-Designed Tasks Through the Lens of Procedural and Conceptual Knowledge
Analyzing Teacher-Designed Tasks Through the Lens of Procedural and Conceptual Knowledge
Literature suggests that “current characterizations of the terms procedural knowledge and conceptual knowledge are l...
Assessing Mathematical Deductive Reasoning Competence of Eighth-Grade Students from China
Assessing Mathematical Deductive Reasoning Competence of Eighth-Grade Students from China
This study aims to develop an evaluation framework to assess the mathematical deductive reasoning competence (MDRC) of eig...
First Graders’ Definitions, Generalizations, and Justifications of Even and Odd Numbers
First Graders’ Definitions, Generalizations, and Justifications of Even and Odd Numbers
In this paper, we explore the following research questions: How do first-grade students define even and odd numbers? What ...
Teaching Engineering Design-Based Integrated STEM in Rural Contexts: Nurturing Future Designers
Teaching Engineering Design-Based Integrated STEM in Rural Contexts: Nurturing Future Designers
There is a notable shift towards prioritizing the teaching of engineering design within K-12 education, coupled with a str...
Hockey Card Statistics: By the Numbers
Hockey Card Statistics: By the Numbers
On the lookout for and with a vested interest in Canadian mathematics education matters, this article is dedicated to hock...
Réflexions sur le début d’un trimestre
Réflexions sur le début d’un trimestre
Chaque mois de septembre, au commencement d’une nouvelle année scolaire en Ontario, j...
Reflections on the Start of a Term
Reflections on the Start of a Term
Every September, as the start of a new school year in Ontario, I think about my goals...