
Your brain on art, nature, and meditation: a pilot neuroimaging study
1 Introduction Transcendent experiences like being in nature, witnessing great art, or meditating on the universal conne...
Fast perceptual learning induces location-specific facilitation and suppression at early stages of visual cortical processing
1 Introduction The ability to discriminate small changes in sensory attributes improves remarkably with practice, a proc...
Method for assessing visual saliency in children with cerebral/cortical visual impairment using generative artificial intelligence
Cerebral/cortical visual impairment (CVI) is a leading cause of pediatric visual impairment in the United States and other...
Non-invasive brain stimulation in cognitive sciences and Alzheimer's disease
Introduction Non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) boasts a relatively recent history, reaching the attention of scientif...
Single-channel attention classification algorithm based on robust Kalman filtering and norm-constrained ELM
Introduction Attention, characterized by distinct EEG activity patterns, refers to the ability to focus on specific stim...
Editorial: Postural control priorities and effective motor learning
presents some challenges when incongruent postural control priorities exist. These include but not limited to trade-offs b...
Editorial: Methods in cognitive neuroscience: dance movement 2023
Over the past few decades, dance has emerged as a unique medium to explore the intricacies of the human brain, mind, and b...
Social context as a source of variability in the psychological sciences
Poor reproducibility in the psychological sciences is often attributed to systemic factors such as publication bias and la...
Multi-target combination treatment with rTMS and tDCS for Tourette syndrome: a case report
Introduction Tourette syndrome (TS) manifests as various motor tics and at least one phonic tic lasting more than 1 year...
Linear incrementality in focus and accentuation processing during sentence production: evidence from eye movements
1 Introduction To achieve successful communication, speakers must transform their communicative intentions into coherent ...
Does muscle fatigue change motor synergies at different levels of neuromotor control?
1 Introduction The primary goal and function of the central nervous system (CNS) is to perform coordinated and effective...
Emulation of the subjective experience of visual dorsal stream dysfunction: a description of three in depth case studies
1 Introduction Our vision is constructed through the dynamic interplay of multiple interconnected brain regions that pro...
Long-term mindfulness meditation increases occurrence of sensory and attention brain states
Introduction Mindfulness meditation (MM) is a practice of momentary presence, without interpretation or judgment (Jacobs...
Baseline dependent differences in the perception of changes in visuomotor delay
1 Introduction For much of our usual sensory input, like sound, light and weight, perceptibility of a change is proporti...
Cognitive component of auditory attention to natural speech events
1 Introduction A remarkable aspect of human perception is our ability to segregate concurrent auditory objects and select...
The potential impact of exercise on affect and neuroinflammation in older adults living with fibromyalgia: a scoping review
The potential impact of exercise on affect and neuroinflammation in older adults living with fibromyalgia: a scoping review
1 Introduction Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic pain condition estimated to affect approximately 2% of the population, ult...
Implications of cerebral/cortical visual impairment on life and learning: insights and strategies from lived experiences
CVI is the leading cause of pediatric visual impairment that may affect up to 1 in 30 children in mainstream classrooms-ye...
Gestalt, Navon and Kanizsa illusion processing in CVI, ADHD, and dyslexia Children with Normal verbal IQ
1 Introduction The visual world around us contains too many elements to process simultaneously. Hence, visual selective ...
Enhancement of prefrontal functional connectivity under the influence of concurrent physical load during mental tasks
1 Introduction With the development of automation technology, human beings have been liberated from manual work to becom...
A Bayesian dynamic stopping method for evoked response brain-computer interfacing
will be compared with the decision boundary η. The index of the score that passes the test shows the winning class. If mo...
A preliminary clinical study related to vestibular migraine and cognitive dysfunction
1 Introduction VM is one of the most common disorders with episodic vestibular syndrome in clinical practice, predominant...
Galvanic vestibular stimulation for the postural rehabilitation of HTLV-1-associated myelopathy
Introduction The postural control system is robust enough to regulate balance in unstable conditions and versatile enoug...
Editorial: Neuroplasticity and imaging methods in rehabilitation
The contributions in this collection reflect diverse approaches to leveraging imaging techniques in rehabilitation researc...
The pivotal role of sleep in mediating the effects of life stressors and healthy habits on allostatic load in mid-life adults
1 Introduction Allostatic Load (AL) describes the wear and tear resulting from physiological responses upon chronic stre...