
Anorexia nervosa and the long‐term risk of mortality in women
Anorexia nervosa and the long‐term risk of mortality in women
Anorexia nervosa affects up to 3% of young women and has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder1, 2, with ...
Lack of robust meta‐analytic evidence to favour cognitive behavioural therapy for prevention of psychosis
Lack of robust meta‐analytic evidence to favour cognitive behavioural therapy for prevention of psychosis
While achievements in detection and prognostic assessment of young people at clinical high risk for psychosis (CHR-P) have...
Implementation of the WPA Action Plan 2020‐2023
Implementation of the WPA Action Plan 2020‐2023
The COVID-19 pandemic has put tre­mendous burden on health care systems all over the world. Unfortunately, mental health s...
Victimization in people with severe mental health problems: the need to improve research quality, risk stratification and preventive measures
Victimization in people with severe mental health problems: the need to improve research quality, risk stratification and preventive measures
Research over the last few decades has reported high rates of victimization in people with severe mental health problems1,...
New resources for understanding patients’ values in the context of shared clinical decision‐making
New resources for understanding patients’ values in the context of shared clinical decision‐making
The importance of shared decision-making between clinician and patient as the basis of personalized care is increasingly w...
Do we really need a process‐based approach to psychotherapy?
Do we really need a process‐based approach to psychotherapy?
Hayes and Hofmann1 discuss the neglect of processes of change in psychotherapy and the lessons we can learn from process r...
Use of DSM‐5 diagnoses vs. other clinical information by US academic‐affiliated psychiatrists in assessing and treating psychotic disorders
Use of DSM‐5 diagnoses vs. other clinical information by US academic‐affiliated psychiatrists in assessing and treating psychotic disorders
The DSM is based on extensive observations of patients, with suggestions on categories going back over 100 years. The orig...
Loneliness and abuse as risk factors for suicide in older adults: new developments and the contribution of the WPA Section on Old Age Psychiatry
Loneliness and abuse as risk factors for suicide in older adults: new developments and the contribution of the WPA Section on Old Age Psychiatry
Suicide is a major public health problem, with 817,000 cases worldwide in 2016. The incidence is highest in those aged 70 ...
Cognitive behavioral therapy, process‐based approaches, and evolution in the context of physical health
Cognitive behavioral therapy, process‐based approaches, and evolution in the context of physical health
Hayes and Hofmann1 describe how the context around cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a context that has supported signif...
Socioeconomic and sociocultural factors affecting access to psychotherapies: the way forward
Socioeconomic and sociocultural factors affecting access to psychotherapies: the way forward
Huge progress has been made in the development of evidence-based psychotherapies for a wide array of mental disorders1. Ho...
Psychiatric care in oncology and palliative medicine: new challenges and future perspectives
Psychiatric care in oncology and palliative medicine: new challenges and future perspectives
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports forecast an increase of cancer incidence of 40% in high-income countries and m...
Selective outcome reporting and the effectiveness of psychotherapies for depression
Selective outcome reporting and the effectiveness of psychotherapies for depression
Only 40% of trials of psychotherapies for depression publish­ed between 2015 and 2018 were prospectively registered, and d...
Challenges in the evolution toward process‐based interventions
Challenges in the evolution toward process‐based interventions
Hayes and Hofmann’s paper1 is much welcome. As they argue, there is a need to re-evaluate assessment and treatment prac­ti...
The clinical characterization of the adult patient with an anxiety or related disorder aimed at personalization of management
The clinical characterization of the adult patient with an anxiety or related disorder aimed at personalization of management
The clinical construct of “anxiety neurosis” was broad and poorly defined, so that the delineation of specif...
The importance of listening to patient preferences when making mental health care decisions
The importance of listening to patient preferences when making mental health care decisions
Listening to patient preferences when making health care decisions is increasingly considered an essential element of evid...
The growing field of digital psychiatry: current evidence and the future of apps, social media, chatbots, and virtual reality
The growing field of digital psychiatry: current evidence and the future of apps, social media, chatbots, and virtual reality
As the COVID-19 pandemic has largely increased the utilization of telehealth, mobile mental health technologies – s...
Advancing psychotherapy in psychiatry: the contribution of the WPA Section on Psychotherapy
Advancing psychotherapy in psychiatry: the contribution of the WPA Section on Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy has been an essential component of psychiatric theory and practice for over a century. There is sufficient e...
Malpractice claims in psychiatry: approaches to reducing risk
Malpractice claims in psychiatry: approaches to reducing risk
Medical malpractice claims offer patients who have experienced harm as the result of negligence by physicians, hospitals a...
Psychiatric symptoms and cognitive impairment in “Long COVID”: the relevance of immunopsychiatry
Psychiatric symptoms and cognitive impairment in “Long COVID”: the relevance of immunopsychiatry
Although precise estimations of the absolute risk are still difficult to provide, it is clear that depression and anxiety ...
Metacognition in psychosis: a renewed path to understanding of core disturbances and recovery‐oriented treatment
Metacognition in psychosis: a renewed path to understanding of core disturbances and recovery‐oriented treatment
Consistent with early definitions of schizophrenia as marked by a fragmentation of thought, emotion and desire1, psychosis...
The evolving nosology of personality disorder and its clinical utility
Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. If you do not r...
Learning from the global response to COVID‐19 to accelerate innovation in mental health trials
Learning from the global response to COVID‐19 to accelerate innovation in mental health trials
The past two decades have seen an increasing recognition of the contribution of mental disorders to global disease burden....
Initial treatment choices to achieve sustained response in major depression: a systematic review and network meta‐analysis
Initial treatment choices to achieve sustained response in major depression: a systematic review and network meta‐analysis
Major depression is often a relapsing disorder. It is therefore important to start its treatment with therapies that maxim...
Thinking too much: rumination and psychopathology
Thinking too much: rumination and psychopathology
Patients suffering from mental health problems often complain about thinking too much. Their mind is frequently focused on...
Estimating the reproducibility of psychotherapy effects in mood and anxiety disorders: the possible utility of multicenter trials
Estimating the reproducibility of psychotherapy effects in mood and anxiety disorders: the possible utility of multicenter trials
Estimating the reproducibility of psychotherapy effects is essential. This is particularly crucial for trials with large e...
The critical distinction between suicidal ideation and suicide attempts
The critical distinction between suicidal ideation and suicide attempts
Suicide remains a leading cause of death worldwide1. A key reason for limited progress is inadequate understanding about t...
ICD‐11‐related educational activities
ICD‐11‐related educational activities
The chapter on mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders of the 11th revision of the International Classificati...