
A position coding model that accounts for the effects of event boundaries on temporal order memory
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Exploring the bounded rationality in human decision anomalies through an assemblable computational framework
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Updating of information in working memory: Time course and consequences
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In the United States, children are more likely than adults to condone discrimination
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Building compressed causal models of the world
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Doing things efficiently: Testing an account of why simple explanations are satisfying
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Perceptual inference corrects function word errors in reading: Errors that are not noticed do not disrupt eye movements
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How infants predict respect-based power
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Recruitment of magnitude representations to understand graded words
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Ethical choice reversals
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Direct lexical control of eye movements in Chinese reading: Evidence from the co-registration of EEG and eye tracking
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Task imprinting: Another mechanism of representational change?
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The fusion point of temporal binding: Promises and perils of multisensory accounts
The fusion point of temporal binding: Promises and perils of multisensory accounts
Volume 151, June 2024, 101662Author links open overlay panel, , AbstractPerforming an action to initiate a consequence in ...
Cognitive complexity explains processing asymmetry in judgments of similarity versus difference
Cognitive complexity explains processing asymmetry in judgments of similarity versus difference
Volume 151, June 2024, 101661Author links open overlay panel, , , AbstractHuman judgments of similarity and difference are...
Repeated rock, paper, scissors play reveals limits in adaptive sequential behavior
Repeated rock, paper, scissors play reveals limits in adaptive sequential behavior
People’s ability to adapt to others in adversarial interactions lies at the heart of sports and games and is a hallmark of...
Optimizing competence in the service of collaboration
Optimizing competence in the service of collaboration
Division of labor is central to collaboration: Even young children can appropriately assign tasks based on the relative co...
The structure and development of explore-exploit decision making
The structure and development of explore-exploit decision making
It is common for people to be in situations that require them to decide between a familiar option with a known value or to...
The perceptual timescape: Perceptual history on the sub-second scale
The perceptual timescape: Perceptual history on the sub-second scale
There is a high-capacity store of brief time span (∼1000 ms) which information enters from perceptual processing, often ca...
Infants can use temporary or scant categorical information to individuate objects
Infants can use temporary or scant categorical information to individuate objects
Decades of research on infant physical reasoning have revealed that the ability to reason about objects’ causal interactio...
What’s in a sample? Epistemic uncertainty and metacognitive awareness in risk taking
What’s in a sample? Epistemic uncertainty and metacognitive awareness in risk taking
In a fundamentally uncertain world, sound information processing is a prerequisite for effective behavior. Given that info...
Anaphoric distance dependencies in visual narrative structure and processing
Anaphoric distance dependencies in visual narrative structure and processing
Linguistic syntax has often been claimed as uniquely complex due to features like anaphoric relations and distance depende...
A unified account of simple and response-selective inhibition
A unified account of simple and response-selective inhibition
Response inhibition is a key feature of executive function most commonly assessed using the stop-signal task (Verbruggen e...
Dual-process modeling of sequential decision making in the balloon analogue risk task
Dual-process modeling of sequential decision making in the balloon analogue risk task
On a daily basis people are faced with choices like running a yellow light, smoking a cigarette, or staying up late at nig...
Retrieving effectively from source memory: Evidence for differentiation and local matching processes
Retrieving effectively from source memory: Evidence for differentiation and local matching processes
Episodic memory is defined as a memory for an event experienced in a particular context (Tulving, 1983). This definition s...
Modelling orthographic similarity effects in recognition memory reveals support for open bigram representations of letter coding
Modelling orthographic similarity effects in recognition memory reveals support for open bigram representations of letter coding
A variety of letter string representations has been proposed in the reading literature to account for empirically establis...
The impact of cognitive resource constraints on goal prioritization
The impact of cognitive resource constraints on goal prioritization
Many decisions we face daily entail deliberation about how to coordinate resources shared between multiple, competing goal...
Interactive structure building in sentence production
Interactive structure building in sentence production
Volume 148, February 2024, 101616Author links open overlay panel, Highlights•We contrasted models of grammatical encoding,...