
An Integrative Model of Psychotherapeutic Interventions Based on a Predictive Processing Framework
An Integrative Model of Psychotherapeutic Interventions Based on a Predictive Processing Framework
There are numerous approaches to psychotherapy with distinct underlying theories. Yet, it is unlikely that any of these is...
Working Alliance Instability in the Inpatient Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder
Working Alliance Instability in the Inpatient Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by a pathognomonic instability of interpersonal relationships. Ther...
Psychological Dynamics in the Development Process of Panic Disorder: A Qualitative Study on a Family Therapy Case
Psychological Dynamics in the Development Process of Panic Disorder: A Qualitative Study on a Family Therapy Case
Panic disorder (PD) affects family members and can be influenced by familial factors. Adverse family events may contribute...
The Content of Personalised Network-Based Case Formulations
The Content of Personalised Network-Based Case Formulations
Case formulation is at the heart of personalised care in psychotherapy. Scientific research into case formulations can pro...
Psychodynamic Group Therapy for Eating Disorders: A Narrative Review
Psychodynamic Group Therapy for Eating Disorders: A Narrative Review
Several psychotherapeutic interventions are recommended for Eating Disorders (EDs), chiefly individual cognitive-behaviora...
Targeting Beliefs About Emotions via Meta-Emotion Therapy for Adolescents with Anxiety: A Case Series Study
Targeting Beliefs About Emotions via Meta-Emotion Therapy for Adolescents with Anxiety: A Case Series Study
Research suggests that best-practice psychotherapies only have moderate effects on reducing anxiety in youths. Such limita...
A Phenomenological Analysis of Mental Health Providers’ Experience of Client Suicide
A Phenomenological Analysis of Mental Health Providers’ Experience of Client Suicide
Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the U.S. It is estimated that one third of people who died by suicide receiv...
Side Effects in Psychodynamic and Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Side Effects in Psychodynamic and Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Therapists and the public are becoming increasingly aware that psychotherapy can have side effects. The prevalence varies ...
Psychosocial Interventions: A Key Component in an Evidence-Based Treatment Approach to Bipolar Disorder
Psychosocial Interventions: A Key Component in an Evidence-Based Treatment Approach to Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder (BD) can be especially challenging to treat due to the dynamic nature of its presentation; there is a cri...
Broken Narratives by Stressful Life Events: An Intervention for Narrative Identity Reconstruction
Broken Narratives by Stressful Life Events: An Intervention for Narrative Identity Reconstruction
The present paper aims to introduce a constructivist narrative intervention for Narrative Identity Reconstruction (NIR) in...
Commentary: EMDR, RCTs, and the Proliferation of Trademarked Acronyms
Commentary: EMDR, RCTs, and the Proliferation of Trademarked Acronyms
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), while recognized as evidence-based, continues to be viewed as a nove...
Vicious Relational Circles and Chronic Couple Conflictuality: An Empirical Study
Vicious Relational Circles and Chronic Couple Conflictuality: An Empirical Study
The study aims to empirically assess the control-mastery theory hypothesis that considers chronic couple conflictuality as...
A Toolbox for Use During the Post-Pandemic Era: Preparing Youth for Re-entry
A Toolbox for Use During the Post-Pandemic Era: Preparing Youth for Re-entry
While most individuals hope that the COVID-19 viral global pandemic is over, waves of infection and multiple mutating vari...
Trauma Practice: A Cognitive Behavioral Somatic Therapy (4th Edition)
Trauma Practice: A Cognitive Behavioral Somatic Therapy (4th Edition)
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Art History Therapy: The Role of Art History in the Psychotherapy Process
Art History Therapy: The Role of Art History in the Psychotherapy Process
Unconscious processes lead to maladaptive behaviors, while people use various defense mechanisms to cope with stressful an...
Pitfalls and Opportunities of the Therapist’s Metacommunication: A Self-determination Perspective
Pitfalls and Opportunities of the Therapist’s Metacommunication: A Self-determination Perspective
Psychotherapy research identifies alliance ruptures and their resolutions as significant events in psychotherapy, influenc...
Collusion Revisited: Polyadic Collusions and Their Contextual Determinants
Collusion Revisited: Polyadic Collusions and Their Contextual Determinants
At the core of collusions are unconscious unresolved issues shared by two or more participants, interlocked in a defensive...
Individual Target Problems, Self-Observation and Change in Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Individual Target Problems, Self-Observation and Change in Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
The objective of this study was to analyze and illustrate the relationships between different expectations for psychothera...
A Cross-Cultural Conceptual Comparison of Behavioral Activation and Ikigai
A Cross-Cultural Conceptual Comparison of Behavioral Activation and Ikigai
Cultural bridging may alleviate and catalyze the therapeutic process and help to match therapeutic interventions and patie...
Lethal Means Counseling for Suicidal Firearm Owners
Lethal Means Counseling for Suicidal Firearm Owners
The death of a patient by suicide is one of the professional events most feared by psychotherapists and firearms are the m...
Reawakening Hope in the Psychotherapy for Psychosis
Reawakening Hope in the Psychotherapy for Psychosis
Hope is known to be a crucial factor that can facilitate recovery from psychosis. In contrast, hopelessness has been assoc...