
Achieving Effective Probiotic Therapy in Bacterial Vaginosis—Still an Unanswered Priority?
Achieving Effective Probiotic Therapy in Bacterial Vaginosis—Still an Unanswered Priority?
From the Department of Internal Medicine, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI Conflict of ...
Do Electronic Medical Records Contribute to Stigma Associated With Sexually Transmitted Infections?
Do Electronic Medical Records Contribute to Stigma Associated With Sexually Transmitted Infections?
From the Departments of ∗Pediatrics †Medicine, Brown University, Providence, RI Conflict of Interest an...
EXTERNAL REVIEWERS : Sexually Transmitted Diseases ...
Buschke-Lowenstein Tumors: A Review and Proposed Classification System
Buschke-Lowenstein Tumors: A Review and Proposed Classification System
Buschke-Lowenstein (B-L) tumors or giant condylomata are large fungating lesions that are caused by
Gonococcal Infection of Penile Skin and Accessory Structures
Gonococcal Infection of Penile Skin and Accessory Structures
From the Center for AIDS and STD and the Department of Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seatt...