
Fragile X Syndrome and Premutation Disorders: New Developments and Treatments
Fragile X Syndrome and Premutation Disorders: New Developments and Treatments
Researchers and editors Randi J Hagerman and Paul J Hagerman have set out to empower readers to be experts on the clinical...
AI, Parenting, and Child Development
AI, Parenting, and Child Development
To most people, generative artificial intelligence (AI) is a hyperobject. So complex and far-reaching, it is hard to wrap ...
Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics 5th Edition
Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics 5th Edition
“We are grateful for changes in the practice of many clinicians who work with individuals with differences, providing care...
Addressing Adolescent Suicidality in Pediatric Primary Care
Addressing Adolescent Suicidality in Pediatric Primary Care
Objective: This study examines prevalence rates of reported suicidal ideation (SI) in 2107 adoles
Access to Care Limitations: When Distance and Lack of Evidence Meet
Access to Care Limitations: When Distance and Lack of Evidence Meet
CASE: Jimmy is a 13-year-old adolescent boy who was diagnosed with Down syndrome (trisomy 21) pre
Mind Over Media: Propaganda Education for a Digital Age
Mind Over Media: Propaganda Education for a Digital Age
While the book feels oddly reminiscent of a high school US history class, Hobbs provides a lot of compelling evidence on t...