
Linking NAFLD and Nephrolithiasis: A CT-Based Investigation
M. Sayiner, A. Koenig, L. Henry, and Z. M. Younossi, “Epidemiology of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disea...
Novel Cavity Disinfectants and Their Effects: A Review
Pitts NB, Zero DT, Marsh PD, et al. Dental caries. Nat Rev Dis Prim; 3. Epub ahead of print 2017. DO...
The Risk of Acute Kidney Injury in Patients Undergoing Coronary Angiography
Mehta RL, Cerdá J, Burdmann EA, et al. International Society of Nephrology's 0by25 initiative for ac...
Influence of Inadequate Sleep on Blood Pressure among the Population in Zakho District
Kronholm E, Partonen T, Laatikainen T, Peltonen M, Härmä M, Hublin C, et al. Trends in self‐reported...
Role of ABCC2 Gene Polymorphism on Deferasirox Hepatic Toxicity in Thalassemia Patients
Joulaei, Hassan et al. 2014. “The Diminishing Trend of β-Thalassemia in Southern Iran from 1997 to 2...