
Rapid recommendations: Updates from 2023 guidelines: part 1
Rapid recommendations: Updates from 2023 guidelines: part 1
Maintaining pace with rapidly changing clinical practice guidelines presents a perpetual challenge for health care profess...
Future of family medicine not guaranteed
Future of family medicine not guaranteed
As a long-time family physician lead (in a variety of roles), I cannot help but wonder whether the title of the editorial,...
Aborder les troubles lies a la chaleur
Aborder les troubles lies a la chaleur
Description du casVotre région connaît une vague de chaleur. Une femme de 60 ans, qui vit de manière autonome et souffre d...
Quand les tests durine pour exclure une infection causent plus de torts que de bien
Quand les tests durine pour exclure une infection causent plus de torts que de bien
Question cliniquePuisque les adultes de 65 ans et plus ont habituellement déjà une pyurie ou une bactériurie, comment les ...
Les corticosteroïdes topiques pour la dermatite atopique
Les corticosteroïdes topiques pour la dermatite atopique
Les articles d’Outils pour la pratique dans le MFC sont une adaptation d’articles révisés par des pairs qui se trouvent à ...
Aller au fond des choses
Aller au fond des choses
Il m’arrive de temps à autre de rester bloqué quand je rédige un éditorial. Parfois, c’est qu’il n’y a pas de thème ou de ...
Getting beneath the surface of things
Getting beneath the surface of things
Every once in a while I get stuck when writing an editorial. Sometimes it is because there is no obvious theme or through-...
Le potentiel des therapies anti-amyloïde pour les patients atteints de la maladie dAlzheimer au Canada
Le potentiel des therapies anti-amyloïde pour les patients atteints de la maladie dAlzheimer au Canada
Avec le vieillissement de la population canadienne, la prévalence de la démence due à la maladie d’Alzheimer augmente1 et ...
Breaking devastating news
Breaking devastating news
One of the hardest things we do as physicians is breaking terrifying, devastating news to our patients and their loved one...
Proud of who we are: generalists
Proud of who we are: generalists
Family medicine does not need to be labelled a specialty to be intellectually worthy.1                                    ...
Topical corticosteroids for atopic dermatitis
Topical corticosteroids for atopic dermatitis
Tools for Practice articles in CFP are adapted from peer-reviewed articles at and summarize...
Action still needed on health disparities affecting rural and remote communities
Action still needed on health disparities affecting rural and remote communities
As you read this I will have just returned from the WONCA Rural—Ubuntu 2024 conference in Cape Town, South Africa.1 There,...
Lapprentissage lent dun apprenant avide de connaissances
Lapprentissage lent dun apprenant avide de connaissances
Cette chronique est ma première en tant que directeur général et chef de la direction du CMFC. En m’apprêtant à la rédiger...
Approach to heat-related illness
Approach to heat-related illness
Sources of informationThe MeSH terms heat-related illness and primary care were searched in PubMed. Clinical trials, pract...
Fiers detre qui nous sommes : des generalistes
Fiers detre qui nous sommes : des generalistes
Il n’est pas nécessaire que la médecine familiale soit étiquetée comme une spécialité pour être intellectuellement valable...
When urine testing to rule out infection does more harm than good
When urine testing to rule out infection does more harm than good
Clinical questionSince adults aged 65 or older commonly have pyuria or bacteriuria at baseline, how should urine tests be ...
Inhaler switching not a high-yield climate intervention
Inhaler switching not a high-yield climate intervention
It was great to see Canadian Family Physician publish an article on environmental stewardship (“Climate-conscious inhaler ...
Chronic pain management in primary care: Using population-based data to examine family physician practice patterns
Chronic pain management in primary care: Using population-based data to examine family physician practice patterns
AbstractObjective To examine trends in chronic pain (CP) practice patterns among community-based family physicians (FPs).D...
Feuilles de route de la survivance au cancer
Feuilles de route de la survivance au cancer
Dans l’ensemble, l’incidence et la prévalence du cancer ont continué de grimper au cours des 3 dernières décennies et, en ...
Cancer survivorship road map
Cancer survivorship road map
The overall incidence and prevalence of cancer have continued to climb over the past 3 decades, with more than 1.5 million...
Approach to sexually transmitted infection testing for men who have sex with men
Approach to sexually transmitted infection testing for men who have sex with men
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are an important public health concern in Canada. Primary and secondary prevention ...
Perceptions of breast cancer screening programs and breast health among immigrant women: Qualitative study in Alberta
Perceptions of breast cancer screening programs and breast health among immigrant women: Qualitative study in Alberta
Theoretical framework: the Health Action ModelThe Health Action Model (HAM) provides an inclusive framework of key predict...
Lelargissement des pouvoirs de prescrire des pharmaciens pourrait contribuer a ameliorer lacces aux soins de sante et leur qualite
Lelargissement des pouvoirs de prescrire des pharmaciens pourrait contribuer a ameliorer lacces aux soins de sante et leur qualite
Jusqu’à présent, les 10 provinces canadiennes ont toutes autorisé les pharmaciens à prescrire des traitements pour des aff...
Avocados as simulation tools for intrauterine device insertion and removal: Novel technique from resident training
Avocados as simulation tools for intrauterine device insertion and removal: Novel technique from resident training
Intrauterine device (IUD) placement is a technical skill well within a family physician’s skillset. Long-acting reversible...
Expansion of pharmacist prescribing could help improve health care access and quality
Expansion of pharmacist prescribing could help improve health care access and quality
To date, all 10 Canadian provinces authorized pharmacists to prescribe therapies for minor ailments. This expansion in sco...
How useful are direct-to-consumer hearing aids?
How useful are direct-to-consumer hearing aids?
Tools for Practice articles in CFP are adapted from peer-reviewed articles at and summarize...
A quel point les appareils auditifs vendus directement aux consommateurs sont-ils utiles?
A quel point les appareils auditifs vendus directement aux consommateurs sont-ils utiles?
Les articles d’Outils pour la pratique dans le MFC sont une adaptation d’articles révisés par des pairs qui se trouvent à ...