
Early access programs for medicines: a reform proposal for the Italian National Health Service
Popoli, P., Giuliani, G., Cavaliere, A., & Jommi, C. (2024). Early access programs for medicines: a reform proposal...
Regional administrative data and their role in planning, programming and controlling at regional level
Marzona, I., Stella, P., Trifirò, G., & Corrao, G. (2024). Regional administrative data and their role in planning,...
Heart failure and economic impact: an analysis in real clinical practice in Italy
Watson RD, Gibbs CR, Lip GY. ABC of heart failure. Clinical features and complications. BMJ. 2000;32...
The socioeconomic burden of adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in Spain
American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5. 5th ...
Regional Formularies in Italy: current state and future perspectives
Jommi C, Pippo L, Bortolami A et al. Il governo dell’assistenza farmaceutica in Italia: il ruolo di ...
The future of drugs distribution in the National Health System
Osservatorio Farmaci Cergas, Università Bocconi. Report n. 42 – Report annuale per il 2021 https://c...
Orphan drugs in Italy: availability and time-to-access at regional level
European Medicines Agency. Human regulatory. Orphan designation.
Time to market access in Italy: duration of the P&R process for rare disease drugs
Kwon HY, Kim H, Godman B. Availability and Affordability of Drugs With a Conditional Approval by the...
Unmet need: definitions, literature evidence and implications for HTA
Caprari F, Alfano A, Buzzetti G, et al. [Unmet clinical need and new therapeutic options.]. Recenti ...
Good practices for the development of budget impact models at regional level
Linee guida per la compilazione del dossier a supporto della domanda di rimborsabilità e prezzo di u...