
Patient work self-managing medicines: a skilled job at the sharp end of care
Patient work self-managing medicines: a skilled job at the sharp end of care
Maintaining the safety and continuity of medicines at care transitions is a long-standing healthcare challenge and a globa...
Patient-activated escalation in hospital: patients and their families are ready!
Patient-activated escalation in hospital: patients and their families are ready!
Sutton et al report in this edition of BMJ Quality and Safety the findings from a qualitative process evaluation of a pilo...
Assessing patient work system factors for medication management during transition of care among older adults: an observational study
Assessing patient work system factors for medication management during transition of care among older adults: an observational study
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Understanding the enablers and barriers to implementing a patient-led escalation system: a qualitative study
Understanding the enablers and barriers to implementing a patient-led escalation system: a qualitative study
BackgroundPatient involvement in patient safetyThere is a well-established body of literature on patient involvement in pa...
What do clinical practice guidelines say about deprescribing? A scoping review
What do clinical practice guidelines say about deprescribing? A scoping review
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICWHAT THIS STUDY ADDSWhile deprescribing recommendations are increasingly being incorpor...
The good, the bad and the ugly: What do we really do when we identify the best and the worst organisations?
The good, the bad and the ugly: What do we really do when we identify the best and the worst organisations?
IntroductionQuality improvement (QI) efforts commonly identify the best and worst performing healthcare organisations. Som...
Sex, drugs and rock 'n roll: the only reasons for regulators to target individuals
Sex, drugs and rock 'n roll: the only reasons for regulators to target individuals
Healthcare regulators are having trouble keeping up. There is always a lag between regulators getting on top of things and...
Safety netting: time to stop relying on verbal interventions to manage diagnostic uncertainty?
Safety netting: time to stop relying on verbal interventions to manage diagnostic uncertainty?
‘Safety netting’ refers to a range of activities to manage clinical uncertainty during consultations. This can include unc...
Beyond polypharmacy to the brave new world of minimum datasets and artificial intelligence: thumbing a nose to Henry
Beyond polypharmacy to the brave new world of minimum datasets and artificial intelligence: thumbing a nose to Henry
Dealing with uncertainty is an inherent part of scientific discovery. One of the ways in which scientists have tried to ov...
Integration and connection: the key to effectiveness of large-scale pharmacist-led medication reviews?
Integration and connection: the key to effectiveness of large-scale pharmacist-led medication reviews?
Our population is ageing and with increased age, comes more frequent presentation of people living with multiple long-term...
Role of communicating diagnostic uncertainty in the safety-netting process: insights from a vignette study
Role of communicating diagnostic uncertainty in the safety-netting process: insights from a vignette study
IntroductionDiagnostic error—missed, delayed or incorrect diagnosis—occurs frequently1–3: from <5% in ‘perceptual’ spec...
Crowdsourcing a diagnosis? Exploring the accuracy of the size and type of group diagnosis: an experimental study
Crowdsourcing a diagnosis? Exploring the accuracy of the size and type of group diagnosis: an experimental study
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Why a sociotechnical framework is necessary to address diagnostic error
Why a sociotechnical framework is necessary to address diagnostic error
Diagnostic error: the problemFailures in the diagnostic process are thought to affect at least 15% of patient encounters, ...
Components of pharmacist-led medication reviews and their relationship to outcomes: a systematic review and narrative synthesis
Components of pharmacist-led medication reviews and their relationship to outcomes: a systematic review and narrative synthesis
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Aiming for equity in children with chronic conditions: introducing a new population health management system
Aiming for equity in children with chronic conditions: introducing a new population health management system
The widely known United Nations sustainable development goals indicate that good quality healthcare should be available to...
Quality and reporting of large-scale improvement programmes: a review of maternity initiatives in the English NHS, 2010-2023
Quality and reporting of large-scale improvement programmes: a review of maternity initiatives in the English NHS, 2010-2023
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICLarge-scale improvement programmes are a key strategy for addressing unwarranted variat...
Estimating the impact on patient safety of enabling the digital transfer of patients prescription information in the English NHS
Estimating the impact on patient safety of enabling the digital transfer of patients prescription information in the English NHS
IntroductionAn estimated 237 million medication errors occur during the medication process in England annually, costing th...
Generative artificial intelligence, patient safety and healthcare quality: a review
Generative artificial intelligence, patient safety and healthcare quality: a review
A team of researchers, including Eric Topol, one of the most highly cited medical researchers of all time, wrote the follo...
Health services under pressure: a scoping review and development of a taxonomy of adaptive strategies
Health services under pressure: a scoping review and development of a taxonomy of adaptive strategies
Phase 1: findings of scoping review and identification of pressures and strategiesThe database search returned 7671 articl...
Need to systematically identify and mitigate risks upon hospitalisation for patients with chronic health conditions
Need to systematically identify and mitigate risks upon hospitalisation for patients with chronic health conditions
To date, most safety and quality improvement efforts to mitigate harm have focused on the single diagnosis for which the p...
Improving medication safety in both adults and children: what will it take?
Improving medication safety in both adults and children: what will it take?
Medications continue to represent a major cause of harm, both in inpatients and outpatients and in adults and children. In...
Measuring gist-based perceptions of medication benefit-to-harm ratios
Measuring gist-based perceptions of medication benefit-to-harm ratios
In this issue of the journal, Wegwarth et al report on a study that sought to identify general practitioner (GP) character...
General practitioners risk literacy and real-world prescribing of potentially hazardous drugs: a cross-sectional study
General practitioners risk literacy and real-world prescribing of potentially hazardous drugs: a cross-sectional study
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICThe pervasive issue of overusing medical care, particularly in the context of potential...
Common contributing factors of diagnostic error: A retrospective analysis of 109 serious adverse event reports from Dutch hospitals
Common contributing factors of diagnostic error: A retrospective analysis of 109 serious adverse event reports from Dutch hospitals
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICThe impact of diagnostic errors on patient harm and patient safety is larger than other...
Diagnostic error in mental health: a review
Diagnostic error in mental health: a review
IntroductionTimely and appropriate diagnosis in mental health is an essential first step towards effective treatment. Miss...