
The journey of Indonesian nurse migration: a scoping review
Buchan J, Catton H, Shaffer F. Sustain and Retain in 2022 and Beyond: The Global Nursing Workforce and The CO...
The influence of religious well-being on the resilience of family spirituality during the COVID-19 pandemic
Polizzi C, Lynn SJ, Perry A. Stress and coping in the time of COVID-19: Pathways to resilience and recovery. ...
The impact of soil-transmitted helminths infection on growth impairment: systematic review and meta analysis
Eyayu T, Yimer G, Workineh L, et al. Prevalence, intensity of infection and associated risk factors of soil-t...
Increasing young women's knowledge of early marriage issues through audiovisual media intervention
United Nations Children’s Fund. The State of Children in Indonesia – Trends, Opportunities and Challenges for...
Evaluating the effect of dental explosion boxes on oral health awareness in preschoolers
WHO. Global oral health status report: towards universal health coverage for oral health by 2030. World Healt...
Exploring maternal perspectives on addressing domestic violence in pregnant adolescents
Organization WH. Adolescent pregnancy fact sheet. Adolescent Pregnancy Fact Sheet. Published online 2018. doi...
Ethanolic extract of red dragon fruit inhibits growth of mosquito larvae
Santoso S, Yahya Y, Suryaningtyas NH, et al. Studi Bioekologi Nyamuk Mansonia Spp Vektor Filariasis Di Kabupa...
Enhancing early cervical cancer detection through the mobile-based DEDIKASI application
Budi HS, Younus LA, Lafta MH, et al. The role of miR-128 in cancer development, prevention, drug resistance, ...
Social media utilization and knowledge levels in exclusive breastfeeding among mothers in Indonesia
Victora CG, Bahl R, Barros AJD, et al. Breastfeeding in the 21st century: epidemiology, mechanisms, and lifel...
Comparing parenting styles: their influence on adolescent’s internet addiction
Lu, L. et al. Internet Addiction in Tibetan and Han Chinese Middle School Students: prevalence, demographics ...
The relationship between mental workload and nurse stress levels in hospitals
Kusumawati PM, Dewi IGAM. Peran Stres Kerja Memediasi Pengaruh Beban Kerja terhadap Burnout Perawat Rumah Sak...
Effect of Gamelan and progressive muscle relaxation on blood pressure in hypertensive patients
Israfil I, Yusuf A, Efendi F, Lutfa I, Sriwahyuningsih I. Factors Associated with Behavior in the Prevention ...
Effectiveness of prenatal yoga on pregnant women's anxiety and duration of labour
Anggreni D, Notobroto HB, Soedirham O. Determinant factors of early marriage in developing countries: a liter...
Transmission rate factors among tuberculosis patients in West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Indah M. Infodati Tuberkulosis. Jakarta Selatan: Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia; 2018. Put...
Development of a spiritual-based palliative care model for the quality of life of people with HIV/AIDS
Tarigan YN, Woodman RJ, Miller ER, Wisaksana R, Wignall FS, Ward PR. Changes in the HIV continuum of care fol...
Dark chocolate as a non-pharmacological alternative to reduce dysmenorrhea in adolescents
Wallace S, Keightley A, Gie C. Review Dysmenorrhoea. Obstet Gynaecol 2010;12:149–54. DOI:
The effect of coping intervention on maternal competency in caring for premature infants at home
Kelbore W, Yasin H, Kolle D. Maternal Role Competence and its Associated Factors among Mothers Who Attended I...