
Protective effects of Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 in an experimental model of NSAID-induced enteropathy
Protective effects of Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 in an experimental model of NSAID-induced enteropathy
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) induce a broad spectrum of gastro-intestinal adverse effects, including ulce...
Agave fructans enhance the effects of fermented milk products on obesity biomarkers: a randomised trial
Agave fructans enhance the effects of fermented milk products on obesity biomarkers: a randomised trial
Dysbiosis has been implicated in childhood obesity. Oral intake of fermented milk containing Lacticaseibacillus casei stra...
Probiotic adjuvant treatment in combination with scaling and root planing in chronic periodontitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Probiotic adjuvant treatment in combination with scaling and root planing in chronic periodontitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
This systematic review and meta-analysis assessed the impact of probiotic supplementation on treating chronic periodontal ...
Evaluation of the effectiveness of personalised therapy for the patients with irritable bowel syndrome
Evaluation of the effectiveness of personalised therapy for the patients with irritable bowel syndrome
Intestinal microbiota correction in the therapy of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is an important medical problem. We cond...
The gastrointestinal status of healthy adults: a post hoc assessment of the impact of three distinct probiotics
The gastrointestinal status of healthy adults: a post hoc assessment of the impact of three distinct probiotics
There is a growing awareness that supplementation with probiotic bacteria can impart beneficial effects during gastrointes...
Heat-killed Lactobacillus helveticus improves mood states: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
Heat-killed Lactobacillus helveticus improves mood states: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
We investigated the effects of heat-killed Lactobacillus helveticus MCC1848 on daily mood states in healthy young adults. ...
Covariates of vaginal microbiota and pro-inflammatory cytokine levels in women of reproductive age
Covariates of vaginal microbiota and pro-inflammatory cytokine levels in women of reproductive age
This study aimed to assess the correlation between covariates of the vaginal microbiota and local levels of proinflammator...
Post-immunobiotics increase resistance to primary respiratory syncytial virus infection and secondary pneumococcal pneumonia
Post-immunobiotics increase resistance to primary respiratory syncytial virus infection and secondary pneumococcal pneumonia
Previously, we demonstrated that post-immunobiotics derived from Lactobacillus gasseri TMT36, TMT39, and TMT40 strains (HK...
Ingestion of Lactobacillus helveticus WHH1889 improves depressive and anxiety symptoms induced by chronic unpredictable mild stress in mice
Ingestion of Lactobacillus helveticus WHH1889 improves depressive and anxiety symptoms induced by chronic unpredictable mild stress in mice
Emerging evidence indicates that the alterations in the gut microbiota-brain axis (GBA), which is the bilateral connection...
Opportunities for growth in the growing field of psychobiotics
Opportunities for growth in the growing field of psychobiotics
There is growing interest in the field of psychobiotics, which are probiotics that confer a mental health benefit when ing...
Alteration of the faecal microbiota composition in patients with constipation: evidence of American Gut Project
Alteration of the faecal microbiota composition in patients with constipation: evidence of American Gut Project
There is limited information is known about the composition difference of the gut microbiota in patients with constipation...
Relationships between dietary diversity and gut microbial diversity in the elderly
Relationships between dietary diversity and gut microbial diversity in the elderly
Diet is considered as a major driver of gut microbiota composition. However, little is known about the relationship betwee...
A systematic review of breast milk microbiota composition and the evidence for transfer to and colonisation of the infant gut
A systematic review of breast milk microbiota composition and the evidence for transfer to and colonisation of the infant gut
The intestinal microbiota plays a major role in infant health and development. However, the role of the breastmilk microbi...
Development of an ophthalmic formulation with a postbiotic of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum CRL 759
Development of an ophthalmic formulation with a postbiotic of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum CRL 759
The term postbiotics has acquired great interest in recent years. Numerous studies have shown a potential beneficial effec...
Safety assessment and characterisation of Ligilactobacillus salivarius PS21603 as potential feed additive for swine
Safety assessment and characterisation of Ligilactobacillus salivarius PS21603 as potential feed additive for swine
The present study aimed to characterise in vitro properties of the strain Ligilactobacillus salivarius PS21603 and evaluat...
Epigenetic regulation by metabolites from the gut microbiome
Epigenetic regulation by metabolites from the gut microbiome
The gut microbiome can metabolise food components, such as dietary fibres and various phytochemicals; and the microbiome c...
Association of body mass index and intestinal (faecal) Streptococcus in adults in Xining city, China P.R.
Association of body mass index and intestinal (faecal) Streptococcus in adults in Xining city, China P.R.
Body mass index (BMI) and gut microbiota show significant interaction, but most studies on the relationship between BMI an...
Glycan-mediated interactions between bacteria, rotavirus and the host cells provide an additional mechanism of antiviral defence
Glycan-mediated interactions between bacteria, rotavirus and the host cells provide an additional mechanism of antiviral defence
Limited efficacy of rotavirus (RV) vaccines in children in developing countries and in animals remains a significant probl...
Long-term use of Lacticaseibacillus paracasei N1115 from early life alleviates high-fat-diet-induced obesity and dysmetabolism in mice
Long-term use of Lacticaseibacillus paracasei N1115 from early life alleviates high-fat-diet-induced obesity and dysmetabolism in mice
Obesity has become one of the most serious public health problems worldwide, and an increasing number of studies indicate ...
Lactation time influences the composition of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus at species level in human breast milk
Lactation time influences the composition of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus at species level in human breast milk
Human breast milk is a source of microorganisms for infants that play an important role in building infant gut health and ...