
Polish Employees’ Religiosity and Finding Meaning in Work: The Role of Gratitude Toward the Organization
Polish Employees’ Religiosity and Finding Meaning in Work: The Role of Gratitude Toward the Organization
Religion can serve as a framework for finding meaning in life. There is a lack of research regarding the mechanism underly...
Religious Fundamentalism, but Not Centrality of Religiosity, is Related to Online Conformity: A Study Based on Asch’s Paradigm
Religious Fundamentalism, but Not Centrality of Religiosity, is Related to Online Conformity: A Study Based on Asch’s Paradigm
Humans are inherently social beings and are often subject to social influence, a phenomenon known as conformity. But what ...
Gustav Vigeland’s The Angry Boy: Winnicottian Reflections on the Subjectivity of Boys and Men
Gustav Vigeland’s The Angry Boy: Winnicottian Reflections on the Subjectivity of Boys and Men
This essay explores possible meanings hidden in the 1928 bronze statue Sinnataggen—The Angry Boy—by the Norweg...
Overview of the Evolution of Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care in the Canadian Province of Ontario (1973–2023): A Teilhard Reflection
Overview of the Evolution of Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care in the Canadian Province of Ontario (1973–2023): A Teilhard Reflection
This article provides an overview of the development of chaplaincy and spiritual care in the Canadian province of Ontario ...
Revisiting Emotions in Pastoral Care and Counseling: A Scoping Review
Revisiting Emotions in Pastoral Care and Counseling: A Scoping Review
The aims of this scoping review were to generate an overview of the existing literature on the role emotions play in pasto...
The Mechanisms Underlying Religious Coping and Hopelessness: Role of Meaning in Life and Affectivity
The Mechanisms Underlying Religious Coping and Hopelessness: Role of Meaning in Life and Affectivity
Religion can fulfill both positive and negative functions in coping with stress. There is a lack of research regarding the...
Ally Identity Versus Behavioral Intent: The Role of Knowledge, Hate, and Religious Conflict
Ally Identity Versus Behavioral Intent: The Role of Knowledge, Hate, and Religious Conflict
Some religious teachings include negative attitudes towards sexual/affectional minorities (S/AM), and those exposed to the...
The Role of Gratitude as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Belief in a Just World and Forgiveness Among Middle-Aged Adults in India
The Role of Gratitude as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Belief in a Just World and Forgiveness Among Middle-Aged Adults in India
This research explores the relationship between personal belief in a just world (PBJW), gratitude, and forgiveness within ...
Personality Traits as Moderating Variables for Cross-Cultural Adjustment and Psychological Well-Being
Personality Traits as Moderating Variables for Cross-Cultural Adjustment and Psychological Well-Being
Personality traits are a significant predictor of cross-cultural adjustment. However, researchers have yet to establish th...
Burnout, Trauma Impacts, and Well-Being Among Clergy and Chaplains: A Systematic Review and Recommendations to Guide Best Practice
Burnout, Trauma Impacts, and Well-Being Among Clergy and Chaplains: A Systematic Review and Recommendations to Guide Best Practice
Religious leaders (i.e., clergy and chaplains) face unique, ongoing stressors that can increase risks for psychosocial and...
Betwixt and Between: Playing with Liminality and the Liminoid in Before Your Eyes, a Transformative Video Game on the Transience of Life
Betwixt and Between: Playing with Liminality and the Liminoid in Before Your Eyes, a Transformative Video Game on the Transience of Life
Aesthetic experiences can serve as powerful catalysts for emotional, psychological, and spiritual transformation. More rec...
The Role of Religious Belief in COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy
The Role of Religious Belief in COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy
With the global outbreak of COVID-19, it is important that vaccination be emphasized to build herd immunity. However,&...
Emotional Stability and Grit Among Individuals From Different Professions: Does Religiosity Mediate Their Relationship?
Emotional Stability and Grit Among Individuals From Different Professions: Does Religiosity Mediate Their Relationship?
Grit, defined as patience and perseverance for long-term goals, has been explored with various traits in the past decade. ...
Existential Psychology and Religious Worldview in the Practice of Pastoral Counseling
Existential Psychology and Religious Worldview in the Practice of Pastoral Counseling
A pastoral counseling approach is proposed in this article. The methodology investigates the relationships between religio...
Art of the Spirit: Cultural Awareness and Wellness
Art of the Spirit: Cultural Awareness and Wellness
Artistic expressions provide visual stimulation and information, promote cultural awareness, and evoke thoughts and feelin...
The Devil Is in the Details: How Clergy Tasks Became Stressors During COVID-19
The Devil Is in the Details: How Clergy Tasks Became Stressors During COVID-19
COVID-19 presented a difficult environment for care workers, including clergy, as they sought to address human needs withi...
Decalcomania and Anticipatory Aesthetics: Envisioning Days of Future Past
Decalcomania and Anticipatory Aesthetics: Envisioning Days of Future Past
Physicians and healthcare professionals are tasked with prioritizing their own self-care while also caring for patients an...
Establishing the Reliability and Validity of the Caring Factor Survey—Caring for Self Among Protestant Clergy
Establishing the Reliability and Validity of the Caring Factor Survey—Caring for Self Among Protestant Clergy
Clergy play an important role in the health of their congregations and communities. Unfortunately, high rates of chronic d...
The Relationship of Life-Changing Spiritual Experiences to Current Religious/Spiritual Attitudes and Practices: A Pilot Study
The Relationship of Life-Changing Spiritual Experiences to Current Religious/Spiritual Attitudes and Practices: A Pilot Study
Positive life changes may be associated with spiritual/religious sources. This pilot study tested religiousness/spirituali...
Psychometric Properties of the Black Magic Belief Scale
Psychometric Properties of the Black Magic Belief Scale
This study presents the psychometric properties of the Black Magic Belief Scale, which measured belief in black magic amon...
Stepping Onto an Egg: Former Child Soldiers’ Posttraumatic Resilience and Spirit Possession in Uganda
Stepping Onto an Egg: Former Child Soldiers’ Posttraumatic Resilience and Spirit Possession in Uganda
Using a biographical-reconstructive approach, we examine the interplay between the symbolic representation of spirit posse...
Spiritual/Religious Readjustments Among Iranian War Veterans
Spiritual/Religious Readjustments Among Iranian War Veterans
There is growing evidence that the spiritual/religious (S/R) beliefs of war veterans change, even years after the war. Res...
Bereavement and Critical Incidents Involving Healthcare Professionals in Italy During COVID-19: The Importance of the Spiritual Dimension
Bereavement and Critical Incidents Involving Healthcare Professionals in Italy During COVID-19: The Importance of the Spiritual Dimension
This exploratory research investigated the work of healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the...
Overcoming Spiritual Dryness: Transformative Processes Among Religious Brothers and Sisters in Germany
Overcoming Spiritual Dryness: Transformative Processes Among Religious Brothers and Sisters in Germany
One should not regard the experience of spiritual dryness as an insurmountable obstacle in one’s spiritual journey; ...
Returning to Faith: A Q Methodology Analysis of Messages that Resonated with Individuals Who Had Experienced and Resolved a Faith Crisis
Returning to Faith: A Q Methodology Analysis of Messages that Resonated with Individuals Who Had Experienced and Resolved a Faith Crisis
Research grounded in religious studies and attachment theory demonstrates links between experiencing and resolving faith c...