
Firearm access, carriage and use in an ethnically diverse sample of young adults in Texas, USA
Firearm access, carriage and use in an ethnically diverse sample of young adults in Texas, USA
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICThe Southern US states, including Texas, report high rates of firearm ownership, injuri...
Answering the call for better science: an update on SAVIRs efforts to advance antiracism in injury and violence research
Answering the call for better science: an update on SAVIRs efforts to advance antiracism in injury and violence research
In response to the call for better science that the Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (SAVIR) put ou...
Supporting injury control activities in violence-afflicted countries: one wedding and four funerals?
Supporting injury control activities in violence-afflicted countries: one wedding and four funerals?
In 2006, the late I. Barry Pless, then editor-in-chief of Injury Prevention, pleaded that ‘Promoting the international arm...
Potential for advances in data linkage and data science to support injury prevention research
Potential for advances in data linkage and data science to support injury prevention research
The recent COVID-19 pandemic stimulated unprecedented linkage of datasets in many jurisdictions to better understand the p...
Community emergency medical services approaches to fall prevention: a systematic review
Community emergency medical services approaches to fall prevention: a systematic review
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Locked and loaded: correlates of in-home firearm storage beliefs and behaviours
Locked and loaded: correlates of in-home firearm storage beliefs and behaviours
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State expansion of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program eligibility and rates of firearm-involved deaths in the United States
State expansion of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program eligibility and rates of firearm-involved deaths in the United States
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Harms and Benefits Inventory (HBI): initial validation of a novel assessment of perceived harms and benefits of firearm policies and practices
Harms and Benefits Inventory (HBI): initial validation of a novel assessment of perceived harms and benefits of firearm policies and practices
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICThe effectiveness of firearm policies is dependent on behaviour change from gun owners ...
Economic impact on local businesses of road safety improvements in Seattle: implications for Vision Zero projects
Economic impact on local businesses of road safety improvements in Seattle: implications for Vision Zero projects
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Joint effects of heat-humidity compound events on drowning mortality in Southern China
Joint effects of heat-humidity compound events on drowning mortality in Southern China
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Teen dating violence and the COVID-19 pandemic: trends from a longitudinal study in Texas
Teen dating violence and the COVID-19 pandemic: trends from a longitudinal study in Texas
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Investigating the 2016 surge in firearm violence in Illinois, USA, through community-based organisations: a qualitative study
Investigating the 2016 surge in firearm violence in Illinois, USA, through community-based organisations: a qualitative study
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Mixed-methods community assessment of drowning and water safety knowledge and behaviours on Lake Victoria
Mixed-methods community assessment of drowning and water safety knowledge and behaviours on Lake Victoria
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICWHAT THIS STUDY ADDSThis study contributes to existing drowning research, which has pri...
School bullying prevention and intervention strategies in the United Arab Emirates: a scoping review
School bullying prevention and intervention strategies in the United Arab Emirates: a scoping review
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Intersection of adverse childhood experiences, suicide and overdose prevention
Intersection of adverse childhood experiences, suicide and overdose prevention
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), suicide and overdose are linked across the life course and across generations and sh...
Interventions that address interpersonal violence experienced by adolescents globally: a systematic review of reviews
Interventions that address interpersonal violence experienced by adolescents globally: a systematic review of reviews
AbstractGlobally, adolescents experience a significant burden of interpersonal violence, impacting their health, well-bein...
Firearm manufacturing and imports in the USA and their association to firearm homicides in Central America and the Caribbean, 1991-2019
Firearm manufacturing and imports in the USA and their association to firearm homicides in Central America and the Caribbean, 1991-2019
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Gender disparities in observed motorcycle helmet use in Madagascar: female motorcyclists behave safer but have lower overall protection
Gender disparities in observed motorcycle helmet use in Madagascar: female motorcyclists behave safer but have lower overall protection
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Pregnancy-associated homicide, suicide and unintentional opioid-involved overdose deaths, North Carolina 2018-2019
Pregnancy-associated homicide, suicide and unintentional opioid-involved overdose deaths, North Carolina 2018-2019
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Helmet utilisation and its associated factors among motorcyclists in northern Ghana: an analytical cross-sectional survey
Helmet utilisation and its associated factors among motorcyclists in northern Ghana: an analytical cross-sectional survey
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Unintentional injury deaths associated with sport and recreation in Quebec, Canada, 2006-2019
Unintentional injury deaths associated with sport and recreation in Quebec, Canada, 2006-2019
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICComprehensive data regarding injury deaths associated with sport and recreation remain ...
Psychosocial well-being and firearm storage practices: evidence from five US states
Psychosocial well-being and firearm storage practices: evidence from five US states
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICFirearm storage practices are associated with gun owners’ sociodemographic characterist...
Replication of a local record keeping method for collecting road crash data in low resource settings: lessons from Bangladesh and Nepal
Replication of a local record keeping method for collecting road crash data in low resource settings: lessons from Bangladesh and Nepal
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICWHAT THIS STUDY ADDSThe local record keeper methodology is a replicable tool with the f...
Recreational cannabis legalization and pediatric exposures in Massachusetts, United States
Recreational cannabis legalization and pediatric exposures in Massachusetts, United States
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICPaediatric cannabis exposure cases increased in Massachusetts, US, after medical cannab...
Skateboard parks: the time has come to develop policies to reduce injuries
Skateboard parks: the time has come to develop policies to reduce injuries
The built environment can exacerbate risk factors for illness and injury or be purposely constructed to contribute to heal...
Adolescents at the skatepark: identifying design features and youth behaviours that pose risk for falls
Adolescents at the skatepark: identifying design features and youth behaviours that pose risk for falls
IntroductionIn most developed nations unintentional injury is the leading cause of preventable death in children under 19 ...