
Protein domains of low sequence complexity--dark matter of the proteome [Perspectives]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
WRN exonuclease imparts high fidelity on translesion synthesis by Y family DNA polymerases [Research Papers]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
NFATC2IP is a mediator of SUMO-dependent genome integrity [Research Papers]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
A germline point mutation in the MYC-FBW7 phosphodegron initiates hematopoietic malignancies [Research Papers]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
Corrigendium: Effects of RAS on the genesis of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma [Errata]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
A serine metabolic enzyme is flexing its muscle to help repair skeletal muscle [Outlook]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
Pan-cellular organelles and suborganelles--from common functions to cellular diversity? [Reviews]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
ATF7IP2/MCAF2 directs H3K9 methylation and meiotic gene regulation in the male germline [Research Papers]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
Psat1-generated {alpha}-ketoglutarate and glutamine promote muscle stem cell activation and regeneration [Research Papers]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
Coordination of histone chaperones for parental histone segregation and epigenetic inheritance [Research Papers]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
ADNP modulates SINE B2-derived CTCF-binding sites during blastocyst formation in mice [Research Papers]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
Spore germination: Two ion channels are better than one [Outlook]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
Regularly spaced tyrosines in EBF1 mediate BRG1 recruitment and formation of nuclear subdiffractive clusters [Research Communications]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
SpoVAF and FigP assemble into oligomeric ion channels that enhance spore germination [Research Papers]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
Methylation of histone H3 lysine 36 is a barrier for therapeutic interventions of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma [Research Papers]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
DNA damage remodels the MITF interactome to increase melanoma genomic instability [Research Papers]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
AI-assisted proofreading of RNA splicing [Outlook]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
LINE-1 retrotransposition and its deregulation in cancers: implications for therapeutic opportunities [Reviews]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
Characterization of the SF3B1-SUGP1 interface reveals how numerous cancer mutations cause mRNA missplicing [Research Papers]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
Molecular basis for PHF7-mediated ubiquitination of histone H3 [Research Papers]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
The steroid hormone ADIOL promotes learning by reducing neural kynurenic acid levels [Research Papers]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
A nonneural miRNA cluster mediates hearing via repression of two neural targets [Research Papers]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
Restrictor synergizes with Symplekin and PNUTS to terminate extragenic transcription [Research Papers]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
Reviewers, Volume 37 (2023) [Reviewers]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
Imaging the binding of MECP2 to DNA [Outlook]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...
A novel pathogenic mutation of MeCP2 impairs chromatin association independent of protein levels [Research Papers]
A biweekly scientific journal publishing high-quality research in molecular biology and genetics, cancer biology, biochemi...