
Will things feel better in the morning? A time-of-day analysis of mental health and wellbeing from nearly 1 million observations
IntroductionMental health and well-being (MHW) is dynamic in nature. A large and growing body of research has shown that M...
Comparing apples and oranges in youth depression treatments? A quantitative critique of the evidence base and guidelines
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICPsychotherapy is recommended before medication for most cases of depression in children...
Multigenerational family coaggregation study of obsessive-compulsive disorder and cardiometabolic disorders
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICObsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is associated with an increased risk of morbidity a...
Prognostic models for depression and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms following traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI study
Eco-anxiety, climate change and the 'bottom billion: a plea for better understanding
How common is eco-anxiety in the Global South?Anthropogenic (human-caused) climate change poses an enormous, rapidly incre...
Maternal perinatal anxiety and infant primary care use in 1998-2016: a UK cohort study
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICTo date, there has been no large UK study assessing/identifying the relationship direct...
Prioritised research questions in serious mental illness: a priority setting based on evidence gaps
BackgroundIn 2021, the Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services (SBU) published a...
Parkinsons disease psychosis associated with accelerated multidomain cognitive decline
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICCognitive impairments in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) psychosis are associate...
Brighter future for light therapy: harmonising the reporting of light interventions in psychiatry
The use of light for therapeutic purposes dates back millennia. Light therapy, as a possible treatment for seasonal affect...
Chronotype and emotion processing: a pilot study testing timing of online cognitive bias modification training
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THE TOPICSynchrony effects (better performance at a time-of-day that is aligned to individual chr...
Potential dopaminergic deficit in patients with geriatric psychiatric disorders as revealed by DAT-SPECT: a cross-sectional study
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICIt has been reported that patients with geriatric psychiatric disorders include cases i...
Severe psychiatric disorders are associated with increased risk of dementia
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICSevere mental illness has been shown to increase the risk of dementia in later life. Th...
Hypersexuality in neurological disorders: A systematic review
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICHypersexuality is an understudied behavioural complication across neurological conditio...