
Resection of Midfacial Tumors Assisted by Virtual Planning Based on CT/MRI Multimodal Image Fusion: A Cohort Study
Resection of Midfacial Tumors Assisted by Virtual Planning Based on CT/MRI Multimodal Image Fusion: A Cohort Study
This cohort study aimed to preliminarily explore the effect of midfacial tumor resection procedure with assistance of virt...
The Anteromedial Thigh Flap: A Surgical Savior for Challenging Perforator Anatomy
The Anteromedial Thigh Flap: A Surgical Savior for Challenging Perforator Anatomy
The AMT flap offers all the advantages of the ALT flap without the added complication of increasing donor site morbidity. ...
A Proposed Classification for Oroantral Communication to Ease the Decision-Making in Management
A Proposed Classification for Oroantral Communication to Ease the Decision-Making in Management
Oroantral communication (OAC) is a condition characterised by a pathological connection between the oral cavity and the ma...
Endoscopic Apicoectomy with Preservation of Schneiderian Membrane for Radicular Cyst of the Maxillary Molar
Endoscopic Apicoectomy with Preservation of Schneiderian Membrane for Radicular Cyst of the Maxillary Molar
von Arx T, Käch S, Suter VGA, Bornstein MM (2020) Perforation of the maxillary sinus floor during apical surgery of maxill...
Does Facial Gunshot Wound Location Affect the Need for Airway Intervention?
Does Facial Gunshot Wound Location Affect the Need for Airway Intervention?
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the facial region associated with gunshot wound (GSW) on the need...
Full-Thickness Versus Split-Thickness Grafting in Necrotizing Fasciitis: A Technical Note
Full-Thickness Versus Split-Thickness Grafting in Necrotizing Fasciitis: A Technical Note
Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a rare yet life-threatening infection that profoundly affects the subcutaneous tissue and fa...
Haemophiliac Pseudotumour of Oral Cavity: Case Report with Review of Literature
Haemophiliac Pseudotumour of Oral Cavity: Case Report with Review of Literature
Haemophilic pseudotumour is a rare entity among neoplasms in the oral cavity. It is a diagnostic and treatment challenge f...
Venous Thromboembolism Subsequent to the Management of Panfacial Fracture– A Clinical Paper and Review
Venous Thromboembolism Subsequent to the Management of Panfacial Fracture– A Clinical Paper and Review
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a major factor responsible for death in patients suffering from prolonged immobilisation d...