
Gastroenterology/Endoscopy Nursing
Gastroenterology/Endoscopy Nursing
These nurses focus on the care of patients with gastrointestinal issues.
James Dickson teaches English and creative writing at Germantown High School, just outside of Jackson, Mississippi,...
COVID Fallout Continues to Dog Nursing Homes
COVID Fallout Continues to Dog Nursing Homes
Staffing and other issues persist but care innovations gained traction.
News Brief: Home health care can differ between traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage.
News Brief: Home health care can differ between traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage.
News Brief: Home health care can differ between traditional... : AJN The American Journal of Nursing ...
Female Genital Mutilation Isn't Going Away
Female Genital Mutilation Isn't Going Away
The practice persists in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Arab states.
News Brief: Study questions accuracy of rising maternal mortality rates.
News Brief: Study questions accuracy of rising maternal mortality rates.
News Brief: Study questions accuracy of rising maternal mort... : AJN The American Journal of Nursing ...
News Brief: Carrying medical debt may worsen health and increase the risk of early death.
News Brief: Carrying medical debt may worsen health and increase the risk of early death.
News Brief: Carrying medical debt may worsen health and incr... : AJN The American Journal of Nursing ...
News Brief: Pediatric mental health ED visits doubled from 2006 to 2019.
News Brief: Pediatric mental health ED visits doubled from 2006 to 2019.
News Brief: Pediatric mental health ED visits doubled from 2... : AJN The American Journal of Nursing ...
Nursing Care for Patients After Urostomy Surgery
Nursing Care for Patients After Urostomy Surgery
When an ostomy care nurse is not available, bedside nurses must assume responsibility for providing
Connecting the Health Care Workforce with the Patient Experience
Connecting the Health Care Workforce with the Patient Experience
This article is one in a series from Press Ganey—a health care performance improvement organization—
A Conversation with Lucinda Canty
A Conversation with Lucinda Canty
The nurse midwife and educator discusses maternal health and nursing history.
Multicomponent Intervention Is an Effective Treatment Option for Overactive Bladder in Women
Multicomponent Intervention Is an Effective Treatment Option for Overactive Bladder in Women
According to this study: A randomized clinical trial showed that a multicomponent intervention wit
Bias Found in Race-Based GFR Equations that Estimate Kidney Function
Bias Found in Race-Based GFR Equations that Estimate Kidney Function
According to this study: A systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrated bias in the race-based
Cannabis Nursing
Cannabis Nursing
Care for those seeking guidance in the therapeutic use of cannabis
News Brief: San Francisco nurses sue city over missed breaks.
News Brief: San Francisco nurses sue city over missed breaks.
News Brief: San Francisco nurses sue city over missed breaks... : AJN The American Journal of Nursing ...
New Leukocyte Growth Factor Treats Febrile Neutropenia
New Leukocyte Growth Factor Treats Febrile Neutropenia
Efbemalenograstim alfa-vuxw (Ryzneuta) has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration to decr
A Poem About ALS
A Poem About ALS
Jane Rosenberg LaForge is the author of four full-length poetry collections, including her most recent, My Aunt's A...
News Brief: CMS updates HIPAA-compliant practices for texting patient information and medical orders.
News Brief: CMS updates HIPAA-compliant practices for texting patient information and medical orders.
News Brief: CMS updates HIPAA-compliant practices for textin... : AJN The American Journal of Nursing ...