
Preclinical testing of expired antivenoms and its uses in real-world experience: a systematic review
Preclinical testing of expired antivenoms and its uses in real-world experience: a systematic review
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Best Evidence Topic report: Is a CT head required for patients who present to the emergency department with a first seizure?
Best Evidence Topic report: Is a CT head required for patients who present to the emergency department with a first seizure?
A short systematic review was undertaken to assess whether adult patients presenting to the ED with a first seizure requir...
Purulent lesion on a womans hand
Purulent lesion on a womans hand
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Frailty is associated with 30-day mortality: a multicentre study of Swedish emergency departments
Frailty is associated with 30-day mortality: a multicentre study of Swedish emergency departments
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICAssessed frailty has been associated with adverse outcomes in various settings. However...
Commentary: The RELIEF feasibility trial: topical lidocaine patches in older adults with rib fractures
Commentary: The RELIEF feasibility trial: topical lidocaine patches in older adults with rib fractures
A recent study based on Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) audit data concluded that it was not possible to identi...
Qualitative study of new doctor induction and socialisation
Qualitative study of new doctor induction and socialisation
IntroductionDespite the annual movement of large numbers of doctors in the NHS and healthcare systems worldwide, little is...
The RELIEF feasibility trial: topical lidocaine patches in older adults with rib fractures
The RELIEF feasibility trial: topical lidocaine patches in older adults with rib fractures
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICStudies have evaluated the use of lidocaine patches in patients with rib fractures show...
Reduced noise in the emergency department: the impact on staff well-being and room acoustics
Reduced noise in the emergency department: the impact on staff well-being and room acoustics
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Debate-Pro: manufacturers should assess the long-term stability of their antivenoms
Debate-Pro: manufacturers should assess the long-term stability of their antivenoms
There is evidence that the actual shelf lives of some drug products are greater than their labelled expiration dates. When...
Using the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) in geriatric emergency medicine
Using the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) in geriatric emergency medicine
The Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) uses clinician judgement to quantify the functional impacts of multidimensional health de...
Missing data in emergency care: a pitfall in the interpretation of analysis and research based on electronic patient records
Missing data in emergency care: a pitfall in the interpretation of analysis and research based on electronic patient records
Electronic patient records (EPRs) are potentially valuable sources of data for service development or research but often c...
Debate-Con: Use of expired antivenoms: a flawed good idea
Debate-Con: Use of expired antivenoms: a flawed good idea
The stability of antivenoms has been the subject of numerous studies. A recent review of the literature highlights the con...
A man with left eye blurred vision
A man with left eye blurred vision
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Risks of naloxone: a local service evaluation
Risks of naloxone: a local service evaluation
Naloxone is a potent opioid receptor antagonist that reliably reverses life-threatening respiratory depression in opioid o...
Urgent action needed on prehospital tranexamic acid in trauma
Urgent action needed on prehospital tranexamic acid in trauma
Urgent action is needed on the prehospital administration of tranexamic acid for trauma victims. This is the only conclusi...
Outcomes of adult patients discharged at scene by emergency medical services
Outcomes of adult patients discharged at scene by emergency medical services
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Investigating at-home outcomes will improve paediatric emergency care
Investigating at-home outcomes will improve paediatric emergency care
Emergency care for children has evolved over the past 50 years, focusing on optimising their evaluation and treatment in E...
Paediatric laceration repair in the emergency department: post-discharge pain and maladaptive behavioural changes
Paediatric laceration repair in the emergency department: post-discharge pain and maladaptive behavioural changes
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Clinical decision aids and computed tomography coronary angiography in patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome
Clinical decision aids and computed tomography coronary angiography in patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome
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Active shooter in emergency departments in Guanajuato State, Mexico
Active shooter in emergency departments in Guanajuato State, Mexico
IntroductionMass violence events, especially in healthcare settings, have devastating consequences and long-lasting effect...
Nurses in the eye of the storm: a study of violence against healthcare personnel working in the emergency department
Nurses in the eye of the storm: a study of violence against healthcare personnel working in the emergency department
IntroductionEpisodes of physical and verbal violence, as well as psychological humiliation, are experienced daily by ED st...
On the invisible power of language
On the invisible power of language
As the attending physician in the ED, I have already heard the case presentation from the resident. “Doctor,” the patient ...
No safe harbour: triage nurses as targets
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Austerity policies: levelling down?
Austerity policies: levelling down?
The associations between where you live and your health outcomes are increasingly understood. Healthy life expectancy is m...