MeSH 搜索器

Thyroid Nuclear Factor 1

A homeobox protein and transcription factor that localizes to the cell nucleus where it activates expression of thyroid specific genes such as THYROGLOBULIN and the THYROTROPIN RECEPTOR. It is critical for maintaining thyroid tissue in a differentiated state and also plays a role in lung development. Mutations in the NKX2-1 gene are associated with CHOREA, BENIGN HEREDITARY.
推出的年份: 2018(1990)
树号: D12.776.260.400.871, D12.776.660.823, D12.776.930.888
MeSH 单一 ID: D000074482
  • Thyroid Transcription Factor 1
  • TITF-1 Protein
  • TITF 1 Protein
  • Homeobox Protein Nkx-2.1
  • Homeobox Protein Nkx 2.1
  • Nkx-2.1, Homeobox Protein
  • NK2 Homeobox 1 Protein
  • TITF1 Protein
  • TTF-1 Thyroid Nuclear Factor
  • TTF 1 Thyroid Nuclear Factor
  • Thyroid-Specific Enhancer-Binding Protein
  • Enhancer-Binding Protein, Thyroid-Specific
  • Thyroid Specific Enhancer Binding Protein

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