MeSH 搜索器

Zinc Finger E-box Binding Homeobox 2

A transcription factor that consists of 8 CYS2-HIS2 ZINC FINGERS flanking a central HOMEOBOX. It binds to the 5'-CACCT-3' DNA sequence located within E-BOX ELEMENTS of many genes essential for embryonic growth and development and regulates their activity; it represses transcription of the E-CADHERIN gene. Mutations in the ZEB2 gene are associated with MOWAT-WILSON SYNDROME.
推出的年份: 2018
树号: D12.776.260.400.883, D12.776.260.703.700, D12.776.930.780.918
MeSH 单一 ID: D000074165
  • Zinc Finger E box Binding Homeobox 2
  • Zinc Finger E-box Binding Homeobox 2 Protein
  • Zinc Finger E box Binding Homeobox 2 Protein
  • Zeb2 Transcription Factor
  • Transcription Factor, Zeb2
  • Smad-Interacting Protein 1
  • Smad Interacting Protein 1
  • Homeodomain Proteins (2004-2017)
  • Repressor Proteins (2004-2017)

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