MeSH 搜索器

Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-bcr

A serine-threonine kinase that contains a C2 DOMAIN and PLECKSTRIN HOMOLOGY DOMAIN. It also has activity as a GTPASE-ACTIVATING PROTEIN for RAC1 PROTEIN and CDC42 PROTEIN. It functions as a negative regulator of CELL PROLIFERATION and NEOPLASTIC CELL TRANSFORMATION and is commonly fused with cellular abl protein to form BCR-ABL FUSION PROTEINS in PHILADELPHIA CHROMOSOME positive LEUKEMIA patients.
推出的年份: 2006(1988)
树号: D08.811.913.696.620.682.700.759, D12.644.360.325.300.099.500, D12.776.476.325.300.099.500, D12.776.476.563.759, D12.776.624.664.700.171
MeSH 单一 ID: D051562
  • Proto Oncogene Proteins c bcr
  • c-bcr, Proto-Oncogene Proteins
  • Proto-Oncogene Protein c-bcr
  • Proto Oncogene Protein c bcr
  • c-bcr, Proto-Oncogene Protein
  • Breakpoint Cluster Region Protein
  • c-bcr Proteins
  • c bcr Proteins
  • c-bcr Proto-Oncogene Proteins
  • Proto-Oncogene Proteins, c-bcr
  • c bcr Proto Oncogene Proteins
  • bcr Proto-Oncogene Proteins
  • Proto-Oncogene Proteins, bcr
  • bcr Proto Oncogene Proteins
  • Proto-Oncogene Protein bcr
  • Proto Oncogene Protein bcr

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