The Contribution of First-name Information to the Accuracy of Racial-and-Ethnic Imputations Varies by Sex and Race-and-Ethnicity Among Medicare Beneficiaries

*RAND Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA

†Kaiser Permanente Center for Effectiveness & Safety Research

‡Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine, Pasadena, CA

§Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

∥Morrison & Associates Inc, Nantucket, MA

¶Centers for Medicare & Medicaid, Services, Baltimore, MD

#RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA


Supported by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) under contract HHSM-500-2017-00083G to the RAND Corporation.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Correspondence to: Marc N. Elliott, PhD, RAND Corporation, 1776 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401. E-mail: [email protected].

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