Unfolding and characterizing the barriers and facilitators of scaling-up evidence-based interventions from the stakeholders’ perspective: a concept mapping approach

1School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Centre for Evidence-based Nursing: A JBI Affiliated Group, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Best Practice Spotlight Organization of the Registered Nurses’ Associationof Ontario, Beijing, China

2School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, Centre for Research on Health and Nursing, University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

3School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing, China

4School of Nursing, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Centre for Evidence-based Nursing: A JBI Affiliated Group, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Best Practice Spotlight Organization of the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario

5International Evidence-based Chinese Medicine Research Institute, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing, China

Correspondence: Professor Yufang Hao, School of Nursing, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Yangguang South Street and Baiyang East Road, Liangxiang Town, Fangshan District, Beijing, China. Tel: +86 18911091028; fax: +86 1084738316; e-mail: [email protected]

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