Correction: Dual-targeted NIS polyplexes—a theranostic strategy toward tumors with heterogeneous receptor expression

Correction to: Gene Therapy, published online 25 January 2019

In this article the images representing EGFR-targeting and c-MET targeting polypexes in the upper row of Figure 1 (lower magnification with 400 nm scale bars) were inadvertently mixed up. Specifically, in the upper row the image of EGFR-targeting polyplexes appeared in the position of c-MET targeting polyplexes and vice versa.

We have now corrected the figure to accurately reflect the intended placement of images. Notably, the misplacement did not have any impact on the message of Figure 1 (“No significant differences between the three solutions were observed”) or the whole paper.

We apologize for any confusion that this error may have caused and appreciate the understanding of our readers.

Revised Figure 1 and legend:

Fig. 1 Particle size measurements. TEM size measurements of formed polyplexes revealed two different particle subtypes with no significant differences between the polyplex solutions for dual- or single targeting. Globular particles were ~50 nm in size and linear particles were up to 200 nm in size. The lower row (100 nm scale bar) represents images of the same polyplex samples taken at higher magnification as in the upper row at lower magnification (400 nm scale bar).

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