UNS Sociology Study Program Hosts Entrepreneurship Talkshow and Exhibition

UNS – The Sociology Study Program of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta organized an Entrepreneurship Talkshow and Student Business Product Exhibition. This event aimed to provide students with a deep understanding of entrepreneurship and practical guidance on starting their own businesses. The activities took place at the FISIP UNS Public Space on Wednesday (19/6/2024).

The Head of the Sociology Study Program at FISIP UNS, Dr. Argyo Demartoto, M.Si., stated that the entrepreneurship talkshow featured two expert speakers: Yuda M Lukmana and Lewi Liwa Lawe. Both speakers are successful entrepreneurship practitioners who have leveraged technology to run their businesses. They shared insights and experiences in starting and managing businesses, inspiring students to pursue their entrepreneurial endeavors.

The event also included a student business product bazaar. This exhibition provided UNS Sociology students the opportunity to showcase their products and services to the public, offering valuable hands-on experience in managing a business.

“This event is expected to be a valuable experience for students to develop their entrepreneurial skills and expand their networks within the academic and professional communities,” Dr. Argyo explained.


Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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