FKOR UNS Conducts Selection for Specialized Sports School Students

UNS – The Faculty of Sports (FKOR) at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta conducted the New Student Admission (PPDB) selection for the Specialized Sports Junior High School (SMP) in Surakarta. This selection aims to identify promising young athletes who have the potential to achieve great success in the future.

Sugeng Hariyadi, S.Pd., M.Or., a Junior Policy Analyst at the Youth and Sports Office (Dispora) of Surakarta, mentioned that there has been an increase in the number of applicants for the PPDB SKO at the Specialized Sports Junior High School in Surakarta. This year, 164 prospective students applied, a significant rise from the previous year, which saw around 100 applicants.

“This year, the number of applicants is significantly higher compared to previous years. So far, 164 prospective students have registered for the PPDB SKO. Last year, it was just a bit over 100, but now it’s 164. We are grateful for the high enthusiasm,” Sugeng said.

The Specialized Sports Junior High School in Surakarta nurtures students in 12 sports disciplines: Athletics, Swimming, Tennis, Table Tennis, Archery, Football, Volleyball, Taekwondo, Pencak Silat, Karate, Fencing, and Judo. Each year, they admit 64 students, divided into two classes. The SKO selection is part of the Special Sports Class (KKO) program.

The Surakarta City Government acknowledges that FKOR UNS has always been entrusted with handling the selection of prospective SKO students. Since 2017, UNS has collaborated with the Surakarta City Government through Dispora to conduct entrance tests for prospective students.

“We entrust FKOR UNS with selecting the best candidates. Dispora and SKO will receive the top talents who have been specially selected. We trust FKOR to handle the selection of SKO candidates,” Sugeng added.

Prof. Dr. Sapta Kunta Purnama, M.Pd., the Dean of FKOR UNS, stated that the selection team for the Specialized Sports School (SKO) consists of FKOR UNS lecturers and students. The selection process includes portfolio assessment, health tests, psychological tests, and general and specific physical tests. The team will help detect the talents of prospective students to be nurtured and developed.

“We at FKOR UNS help detect their talents to be developed in the future according to their interests and abilities,” Prof. Sapta Kunta said.

According to Prof. Sapta Kunta, the high enthusiasm is related to the current development in sports. The success of the national football team, achievements in various sports, and numerous sports events in Surakarta are key factors. Positive outcomes at the professional athlete level stimulate sports development at lower levels.

Prof. Sapta Kunta also emphasized the application of sports science to improving sports achievements. This approach is employed by the test instructors during the KKO tests and in the ongoing guidance and training for KKO coaches, aiming to enhance the performance of children in KKO, particularly in terms of physical, technical, tactical, and psychological aspects through sports science.

“These (sports achievements) motivate children to be interested in sports. Parents also see that future success in sports is increasingly promising,” he stated.

For Prof. Sapta Kunta, SKO and KKO are essential programs. He hopes that SKO and KKO, along with other programs, align with the goals of the National Sports Grand Design (DBON) and foster a high-performance ecosystem at both national and international levels.

The PPDB at the Specialized Sports Junior High School in Surakarta was open from June 3–14, 2024. FKOR UNS contributed to the selection process held from June 19–26, 2024. The selection took place at the FKOR UNS campus in Manahan.

“From the 164 applicants, we aim to select the best talents in each sport to be nurtured from the beginning. If the input is good, the process is good, and, InsyaAllah, the output will also be good,” Prof. Sapta Kunta concluded.

Humas UNS

Reporter: R.P. Adji

Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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