UNS Launches Four New Applied Bachelor’s Programs

UNS— Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta has introduced four new applied bachelor’s (Diploma 4) programs: Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Digital Banking and Finance, Digital Marketing, and Mandarin Language for Business and Professional Communication. These programs are managed by the Vocational School (SV), which has long been overseeing vocational education at UNS.

“We have conducted extensive observations and held intensive discussions with industry stakeholders. They need professionals with applied bachelor’s qualifications,” the Dean of SV UNS, Drs. Santoso Tri Hananto, M.Acc., Ak., said during an Open House event held on campus on Thursday (20/6/2024).

Santoso added that public interest in vocational higher education has also been increasing. This is evidenced by data from the Education Testing Management Agency (BPPP) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), which shows that 20 of the most sought-after programs are vocational programs, including Diploma 3 and Diploma 4 or applied bachelor’s degrees.

When asked about the uniqueness of the newly launched programs, Santoso explained that the Manufacturing Engineering Technology program focuses on the engineering processes and products of advanced material-based manufacturing.

“Graduates of UNS Manufacturing Engineering Technology will be able to design and engineer production processes and control the quality of advanced material-based manufacturing products,” Santoso explained.

The Digital Banking and Finance program trains students to be proficient in financial services and banking product management, risk management in digital banking and finance services, especially credit and investment risks. Meanwhile, the Digital Marketing program will focus on data analysis and digital marketing through social media.

“Digital marketing is very broad. Besides general digital marketing skills, our graduates are specifically prepared to excel as content creators and enhance the function of social media as a marketing tool,” Santoso added.

The Mandarin Language program will specifically hone students’ Mandarin language skills for business communication. In addition to being fluent in Mandarin, graduates will also be equipped with interpreting and translation skills, both oral and written.

Santoso is also optimistic that graduates will be absorbed into the industry and workforce.

“We equip them with practical skills that meet industry needs. Our curriculum is designed in collaboration with industry, as they will be the ones employing our graduates,” Santoso added.

In addition to bringing in practitioners as lecturers on campus, Santoso mentioned that SV UNS also sends students for internships for three semesters in the industry. This ensures that what they learn is what they will be doing after graduation.

“Vocational graduates are capable of completing tasks professionally, not just knowing how to do them,” Santoso concluded.

Currently, SV UNS manages 21 Diploma 3 programs and 7 applied bachelor’s programs. These programs are holding an Open House for two days, Thursday (20/6/2024) and Friday (21/6/2024) at the Mesen Campus to provide information about their outstanding programs.


Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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