UNS Hosts Bromo Culture Festival 2024 Featuring Reog Performances, Acoustic Shows, and MSME Bazaar

UNS – The Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of Forestry Education and Training Center (PPK) of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held the Bromo Culture Festival 2024. The event, featuring Reog performances, acoustic shows, and a MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) bazaar, took place on Saturday (8/6/2024) and Sunday (9/6/2024). Bromo Culture Festival (BCF) aims to develop Alas Bromo into a multi-sector area encompassing arts, culture, education, and environmental focus.

The Bromo Culture Festival 2024 presented a creative blend of art and culture, showcasing Reog competitions, acoustic performances, and a platform for MSME. This year’s festival marked the third iteration of BCF and was part of the 48th UNS Dies Natalis celebrations. The event involved the academic community, including students, staff, and educators, as well as the surrounding community of Alas Bromo.

The highlight of the Bromo Culture Festival 2024 was the Reog Art Performance, inaugurated by the Acting Rector of UNS, Dr. Chatarina Muliana, S.H., S.E., M.Hum., and remarks by the Acting Regent of Karanganyar, Timotius Suryadi, S.Sos., M.Si. The Reog performance featured a competition for the rector’s rotating trophy. Dr. Chatarina emphasized the pride that UNS and the local community should have in their cultural heritage and natural beauty.

“This event is not only a celebration but also a platform to introduce the various important aspects of the Gunung Bromo area managed by UPT PPK UNS,” Dr. Chatarina said at the event’s peak on Sunday (9/6/2024).

Through the Bromo Culture Festival 2024, everyone could appreciate Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage. In addition to educational and cultural aspects, the event also highlighted the importance of collaboration and partnership within the Pentahelix framework. The UMKM participants played a crucial role in the existence of the educational forest.

“Through event like the Bromo Culture Festival, we hope to strengthen this collaboration and provide greater benefits for all parties. I am confident that with solid collaboration, we can achieve great advancements together,” Dr. Chatarina added.

This initiative proves UNS’s commitment not only to environmental management through Alas Bromo but also to cultural conservation, particularly Reog and other traditional arts. Besides Reog Dadak Merak or Reog Pakem, there were also performances by Reog Kreasi or Jaran Kepang.

The first day of BCF 2024 featured a high school acoustic competition with 12 bands participating. The following day included performances of Reog Pakem or Dadak Merak, with 12 Reog groups competing nationally. The Reog performances were evaluated by practitioners and academics based on the criteria of Wiraga, Wirama, Wirasa, and Wirupa.

Alas Bromo, located in Karanganyar Regency, is a Special Purpose Forest Area (KHDTK) for forestry education and training. Currently managed by UNS through UPT PPK, Alas Bromo is a production forest spanning 126,291 hectares.

Here are the winners of the Acoustic and Reog categories in the Bromo Culture Festival 2024:

High School Acoustic Category:

Reog Art Performance Category:

Humas UNS

Reporter: R. P. Adji Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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