UNS Informatics Engineering Diploma Program Team Conducts AI Literacy and Utilization Training in Education at SMA N 2 Surakarta

UNS — Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Group of the D3 Informatics Engineering Program at the Vocational School (SV) of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta conducted a Digital Literacy and AI Utilization Training for teachers at SMA N 2 Surakarta. The in-person training was held at SMA N 2 Surakarta and attended by 65 teachers.

Hartatik S.Si., M.Si., the head of the research group, emphasized the increasing importance of technology in education in the rapidly evolving digital era. AI technology in learning is inevitable, necessitating enhanced teacher competencies and digital infrastructure in schools. The presence of such technology is often misused by students for completing school assignments. Based on this situation, teachers are required to enhance their competencies in using information technology to effectively and accurately utilize AI. Additionally, the lack of skills or educational background related to the subjects taught by the teachers presents a challenge that needs to be addressed promptly, as students require a proper understanding of the material taught.

This training aims to assist senior high school educators in leveraging AI technology to create teaching materials based on each student’s learning patterns, needs, strengths, and weaknesses. It also helps teachers manage administrative tasks such as creating teaching materials, lesson plans, scheduling, and assessments. “This training is expected to help educators teach students about AI utilization responsibly and ethically using virtual tutor-based learning,” Hartatik explained to uns.ac.id on Tuesday (11/6/2024).

The training, held on April 22-23, 2024, was enthusiastically received by the teachers of SMA N 2 Surakarta. The event began with an opening remark by the Headmaster, Drs. Mohammad Amir Zubaidi, M.Pd. In his remarks, the headmaster encouraged the teachers to make the most of this valuable learning opportunity.

“I hope your participation in this training is filled with enthusiasm and eagerness. Use this opportunity to learn and exchange experiences with the speakers and other participants. I am confident that by attending this training, you will gain a lot of new knowledge and insights that can be applied in the teaching process at school,” Mohammad Amir said.

The first speaker, Berliana Kusuma Riasti, S.T., M.Eng., presented material on ‘Introduction to Digital Literacy and AI Concepts’. The next speaker, Andy Supriyadi, S.Kom., M.Cs., discussed ‘Creating AI-Based Learning Media using tools like ChatGPT, Bard AI, and Questionwell, and studio.d-id.com’. The following speaker, Fiddin Yusfida A’La S.T., M.Eng., elaborated on ‘Creating AI-Based Learning Media using tools like Quizizz, Kahoot, Canva, Google Forms, and Grammarly’. The last speaker, Nurul Firdaus S.Kom., M.Info.Tech., shared knowledge on ‘Detecting AI-Generated Content using tools like Winston AI, Turnitin, AI Detector, Plagiarisma.net, and Scribbr’.

After the training, the teachers practiced using AI technology and various tools introduced by the speakers, with support provided for any difficulties encountered. Participants were awarded certificates for their participation in the Digital Literacy and AI Utilization Training, equivalent to 32 JP.

The participants welcomed this event and showed great enthusiasm throughout the Digital Literacy and AI Utilization Training. This Community Service Grant Group Research (PKM-HGR) activity is expected to help improve the AI literacy and skills of teachers at SMA N 2 Surakarta, ultimately enhancing the quality of education in Indonesia.


Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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