UNS Pours 1.000 Liters of Eco-Enzyme into Lake on World Environment Day 2024

UNS – The academic community of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta poured 1.000 liters of eco-enzyme into the UNS Lake in celebration of World Environment Day 2024, which falls on June 5. This eco-enzyme solution was prepared in an effort to purify the water in UNS Lake.

World Environment Day 2024 in Indonesia carries the theme “Solving Climate Crisis with Innovation and Principles of Justice.” Addressing the climate crisis, especially in the water sector, is crucial for improving water cycles and managing water quality, both surface and groundwater. UNS conducted the purification of UNS Lake using eco-enzyme liquid.

The cleaning and purification of the lake reflect UNS’s commitment to preserving the environment and provide a practical and educational approach to addressing water pollution issues, particularly surface water. Eco-enzyme, a product of organic waste fermentation, is considered capable of significantly improving water quality and reducing pollutant levels.

The event was attended by the Chairman of the UNS Professors Council, Prof. Drs. Suranto Tjiptowibisono, M.Sc., Ph.D., Chairman of the UNS Academic Senate, Prof. Dr. Sri Sulistyowati, dr. Sp.OG-KFM(K)., faculty leaders within UNS, the Head of the UNS Environmental Research Center (PPLH), the Head of UNS Green Campus, the Head of the Environmental Science Study Program at all levels, and UNS students.

The Chairman of the World Environment Day 2024 Committee at UNS, Prof. Dr. Drs. Pranoto, M.Sc., stated that this lake cleaning effort aligns with the event’s theme. UNS is committed to creating a clean, healthy, and sustainable campus environment. He hopes this step will have a global impact on addressing environmental pollution issues.

Representing the UNS leadership, Prof. Suranto emphasized that the concept of sustainable development should foster a sense of responsibility to ensure that future generations can benefit from the natural resources available today. This principle is continuously applied within the UNS environment. He advised that UNS Lake should never dry up.

“Purifying UNS Lake with eco-enzyme is a concrete step taken by UNS to participate in environmental conservation. We hope this activity will inspire and educate the public about the importance of organic waste management and the benefits of eco-enzyme for the environment,” Prof. Suranto said.

During the event, UNS researchers and students demonstrated the process of making eco-enzyme from organic waste collected from campus canteens and nearby households. The prepared eco-enzyme was then applied to UNS Lake in the hope of improving water quality and reducing unpleasant odors and other pollution.

This activity not only focused on purifying the lake water but also included various other activities such as implementing an emission-free day on the UNS campus. Additionally, the UNS academic community conducted sustainable waste management education at the Waste-to-Energy Plant (PSEL) in Putri Cempo, Surakarta.

“We want to show that waste management and environmental conservation can start with small actions around us. With education and innovation, we can make significant changes for the environment,” Prof. Pranoto explained at the UNS Lake area.

Humas UNS

Reporter:    R. P. Adji

Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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