UNS Provides Campus Bus Facilities for All Academic Community Members

UNS – Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta provided a campus bus service for its academic community. The blue bus, with a capacity of up to 28 passengers, offers transportation around designated bus stops within the UNS campus. This transportation service is available to all members of the UNS academic community.

The campus bus service is free of charge for its passengers. The UNS Campus Bus operates on weekdays, from Monday to Friday. Passengers can wait for the bus at the nearest UNS bus stop.

Prof. Dr. Muhtar, S.Pd., M.Si., CFrA., Vice-Rector for General Affairs and Human Resources, stated that the UNS Campus Bus operates from morning until late afternoon. The operational schedule aligns with the peak hours of the UNS academic community, particularly students.

Furthermore, Prof. Muhtar encouraged all members of the UNS academic community, especially students, to make the most of this transportation service. He hopes that campus enthusiasm for this initiative will continue to grow. The program will be regularly evaluated to optimize its operations.

This service is particularly beneficial for students who commute to and from their classes by walking. “This service can also be enjoyed while taking in the greenery of the UNS campus as you ride the bus,” Prof. Muhtar explained on Thursday, June 6, 2024.

Continues Operation on Emission-Free Day

Emission-free day at UNS is held on the first Friday of every month. It is important to note that the UNS Campus Bus continues to operate on emission-free days. This policy follows the circular letter number 5526/UN27/HM.06.00/2023 regarding the Implementation of the Emission-Free Day.

The circular explains that all mobility activities in the emission-free zone must use emission-free transportation, walk, or use the transportation provided by UNS. Therefore, UNS Campus Bus users do not need to worry about using this facility on emission-free day within the UNS campus.

Humas UNS

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