The detection of a strong episignature for Chung–Jansen syndrome, partially overlapping with Börjeson–Forssman–Lehmann and White–Kernohan syndromes

All authors reviewed the final version of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. MMvH. and PH designed the project. NV, LvdL, PR, MMvH, MWE, LELMV, BBAdV, LR, PL, DGMB, JMvH, NEV, MCCJ, SM, GM, CES, KO, SMW, MH, and MMN contributed to the sample collection. NV, PR, MMvH, MA, MWE, LELMV, BBAdV, LR, PL, DGMB, JMvH, NEV, MCCJ, SM, AV, CT, LF, MW, DG, and VB contributed to the clinical assessment of the participants and diagnostic laboratory investigations. LvdL and JK performed the laboratory experiments. BS oversaw the analytic and bioinformatic aspects of this study. SH, LvdL, MAL, and RR performed the bioinformatic analysis. N.V., SH. and LvdL wrote the manuscript. MMAMM, MMvH, PH, HM and BS supervised the project.

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