How Does Target Lesion Selection Affect RECIST? A Computer Simulation Study

The Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) consists of a standardized methodology used in early and phase II clinical trials to evaluate tumors' response to therapy,1,2 by defining end points surrogate for overall survival, namely, progression-free survival and overall response rate.3,4 Buyse et al5 have undertaken extensive research focusing on statistical frameworks for the validation of surrogate end points, encompassing their definition, validation, and the substantiating evidence on the applicability of progression-free survival and overall response rate as surrogate end points for overall survival.5–7

The most recent version of the criteria, RECIST 1.1,8 states that a maximum of 5 measurable lesions, and no more than 2 per organ, should be selected as target lesions and measured at baseline. On follow-up, the same target lesions should be identified and remeasured. Response to therapy is then classified into 4 categories, primarily based on the percent change of the sum of the sizes of target lesions between baseline (or at nadir) and follow-ups. Nontarget lesions are also considered in case of their unambiguous progression.

Target lesion selection assumes that target lesions can be objectively and reproducibly identified and measured.3 However, intervariability and intravariability when measuring tumor size and identification of new lesions are known factors contributing to inconsistency in the application of RECIST.9–12

Particularly, disagreement in the selection of target lesions is 1 of the leading causes of variability in RECIST.13–16 According to the guidelines, the largest lesions in diameter, or the ones that “lend themselves to reproducible repeated measurements” should be chosen.8 However, the interpretation of these guidelines is reader-dependent,14 and different readers might end up selecting different target lesions, even if correctly applying RECIST criteria. In other words, even when excluding the factor of diameter-measuring error (eg, through medical segmentation software), RECIST still shows intrinsic variability if a limited number of target lesions has to be selected.

RECIST strives to make the comparison of clinical trial outcomes possible and reproducible.3 However, this is grounded on the assumption that the target lesions are objectively identified and that this subset of the total tumor burden (TTB) of a patient is sufficient to adequately represent response to therapy.14,15,17 Nevertheless, these assumptions may not hold in practice.

In this study, we aim to show that target lesion selection introduces large inconsistency in RECIST assessments and that its role as a surrogate of TTB is not sustained. Motivated by a previous study by Moskowitz et al,18 where the effect on response assessment of the number of lesions measured was studied, we created a computer simulation model to investigate target lesion selection variability in RECIST across different patient characteristics, and its validity as a proxy for TTB. Compared with observational studies, where we are limited to the characteristics of the retrospective cohort (eg, number of patients, lesions per patient, average tumor growth, unavailability of TTB measurements), a simulation model yields advantages. It allows us to run a controlled experiment, in which we can generate any virtual cohort of patients with precise characteristics, and with which we can study the influence of each of them on the outcome: the RECIST assessment.

METHODS Simulation Model

We created a computer simulation model, represented schematically in Figure 1. With this model, we generate cohorts of patients undergoing a virtual clinical trial. A cohort of patients is characterized by 4 parameters: maximum number of lesions (Lmax), maximum number of organs involved (Omax), mean tumor percent growth (μ), and growth variance (Σ). To test the influence of each of the parameters on the RECIST assessment, we fix, in succession, all but 1 of the 4 input parameters to a default value, whereas the remaining variable changes within a certain range: Lmax between 1 and 20, Omax between 1 and 10, μ between −100% and 200%, and μ between 10% and 100%. Σ is composed of 3 different variances, of which 2 change (ɛO and ɛR, see next section), with values ranging between 102 and 1002 ‱, and one is kept at its default value (ɛP, see Virtual Patient and Supplement 1, We set a large range of possible values, which could include rare situations, such as only 1 candidate lesion per patient or, controversially, 20 lesions or 10 organs, to intentionally consider a wide variety of possible scenarios where RECIST could fail.


Top, schematic representation of the simulation model. Number of lesions (L) and number of organs (O) are, for each patient, a random number between [1, Lmax] and [1, Omax], respectively. Each lesion's percent growth (Δ) is sampled from a truncated multivariate normal distribution with mean μ and covariance matrix Σ (a combination of ɛP, ɛO, and ɛR). Bottom, example of a simulated patient with L = 6 lesions distributed among O = 2 organs, and 2 virtual readers. Only large lesions are eligible for selection as target lesions, so lesion 1 (*) is excluded. The 2 readers disagree on the choice of target lesions, resulting in different RECIST categories. CR is unlikely to be attributed because lesion growth is sampled from a truncated multivariate normal distribution with nonsmall variance.

Virtual Patient

Each simulated patient can be described in 4 steps. First, the number of organs (O) and lesions (L) of each patient is drawn randomly between [1 to Omax] and [1 to Lmax], respectively. The lesions are distributed among the organs with a multinomial distribution, where the probability of a lesion getting assigned in each organ is the same (if O > L, then some organs get assigned no lesions). Second, for each lesion, a random baseline tumor size (dBL) between 10 and 100 mm is sampled from a random normal distribution. Third, the growth or shrinkage of each lesion (Δ) is simulated via a truncated multivariate normal distribution with mean μ and variance-covariance matrix Σ. Σ is composed of 3 different variance parameters to account for the growth correlation between lesions within patients (ɛP), within organs (ɛO), and the residual variance (ɛR). Fourth, based on the sampled percent growth, Δ, and the baseline diameter, dBL, of each lesion, we calculate the follow-up diameter (dFU). We only simulate these 2 time points of the virtual clinical trial: this will suffice to explore the effects of RECIST variability on the estimation of the TTB without overcomplicating the simulation unnecessarily. An example of a simulated patient can be seen in Figure 1.

The default values of μ, ɛP, ɛO, and ɛR were estimated from 3 real datasets: n = 61 patients with melanoma treated with immunotherapy, n = 44 urothelial cancer patients treated with immunotherapy, and n = 37 patients with non–small cell lung cancer treated with chemotherapy, already reported in previous work.19,20 ɛP has no impact on target lesion selection, and thus, its impact on variability was not analyzed. For all datasets, the diameters of all lesions present at both baseline and follow-up were available. From that, the respective growth percent was estimated, on which linear mixed-effects model was fit. Lmax and Omax were set to 3 different pairs of values (5, 2), (10, 4), and (15, 8), aiming to portray different stages of disease—low, medium, and high, respectively.

Virtual Reader

Each patient was evaluated by 2 independent computer-generated virtual readers. These virtual readers emulate the selection process of radiologists that select up to 5 target lesions, no more than 2 per organ, according to the RECIST criteria. To account for the RECIST guidelines suggesting that the largest lesions should be selected as target lesions, we restricted the choice of target lesions to a pool of lesions with size within 20% of the size of the largest lesion in each organ. When no lesions were under this condition, we added the second largest lesion to the pool, as well as all the lesions within 20% of its size (thus allowing at least 2 lesions to be chosen per organ). For each patient, we calculate the overall percent growth (or shrinkage) based on the sum of diameters of target lesions selected by each reader and assign the respective RECIST category. A percent growth above 20% (and minimum absolute increase of 5 mm) corresponds to progressive disease (PD), a percent decrease below 30% to partial response (PR), and otherwise, stable disease (SD).8

Data Analysis

To study the relationship between readers' disagreement and patients' characteristics, we simply record the percentage of patients with inconsistent RECIST readings across the readers for a specific set of cohort characteristics (ie, model parameters). To minimize the effect of random noise on the analysis, each experiment is repeated and averaged over 100 runs. The disagreement levels for different combinations of patient cohort characteristics and treatment effects are recorded and analyzed.

To study the accuracy of RECIST as an estimator of the changes in the TTB, we turn the analysis into a classification problem. Given that, for each simulated patient, we know the true change in TTB (and therefore the true response class of PD, SD, or PR), we simply count the number of RECIST readings that resulted in an erroneous prediction of TTB-derived class of response. As in the analysis above, we repeat and average over 100 runs to minimize the effect of random noise, and study the trend of RECIST misclassification of TTB as a function of the (fixed) number of lesions (Lmax = L). Figure 2 shows a schematic representation of the analysis. The code of the simulation model is publicly available on our GitHub repository.*


Metrics for analyzing RECIST variability in the simulated cohorts of patients. Disagreement corresponds to the percentage of patients in a cohort with inconsistent RECIST readings (ie, different response categories attributed by different readers). Disagreement is then analyzed as a function of the input parameters (Lmax, Omax, μ). The error rate, computed per reader, corresponds to the percentage of incorrectly attributed response categories, taking TTB as reference. The error rate is analyzed as a function of Lmax, and for different variations of RECIST, see Results section. R, Reader; TTB, total tumor burden.

RESULTS Examining Disagreement Between Readers

First, the disagreement between readers was investigated as a function of patient characteristics. Figure 3 depicts RECIST variability across different cohort characteristics. A linear relation between the maximum number of lesions per patient (Lmax) and disagreement is evident, which behaves independently from the extent of the disease spread (Fig. 3). Even when the maximum number of lesions is less than 5, some disagreement is still evident, since only a maximum of 2 lesions per organ can be chosen.


Mean disagreement levels as a function of the number of lesions, number of affected organs, mean lesion growth, with respective confidence intervals (±standard deviation). The different curves represent different combinations of the default values of Lmax and Omax, respectively: green (5, 2); orange (10, 4); and blue (15, 8), representing different stages of disease. In plots A and B, only the default values of Omax and Lmax, respectively, change. Dashed line: when Omax > Lmax, disagreement decreases as the likelihood of the lesions becoming more spread out increases.

There is a nonlinear relation between disagreement levels and the number of affected organs (Omax). When Omax varies from 1 to 10, there is high disagreement initially, because many lesions are concentrated on very few organs, and due to the imposition of a maximum of 2 lesions per organ, readers are forced to make different choices of target lesions. Disagreement then decreases because lesions spread out enough over multiple organs, limiting the number of choices, but increases again due to the limit of a maximum of 2 target lesions per organ, forcing a choice of target lesions and, implicitly, target organs. When Lmax = 5 (green line in the middle plot of Figure 3), disagreement approaches zero when Omax increases, because all lesions can be selected if no organ contains more than 2 lesions (Fig. 3). When Omax increases beyond the number of lesions, some organs do not get assigned any lesions. Disagreement continues to decrease merely due to the chances of the 5 lesions being located in different organs increases (indicated by the dashed line). This scenario, where Omax > Lmax, can also occur in other curves but to a negligible degree.

Disagreement among readers is higher when the average tumor growth (μ) borders the thresholds of PD and PR (+20% and −30%, respectively). When distancing from the thresholds, disagreement decreases because it becomes more likely for either PD or PR to be attributed. A nonlinear relation exists between average tumor growth and disagreement, which, looking across the different groups of disease stages, seems to be amplified by the stage or spread of the disease. The disagreement levels as a function of the input variances can be found in Supplement 2,

Evaluating RECIST in Estimating Alterations in Total Tumor Burden

The performance of RECIST to predict the true class of response, as defined by the TTB, as a function of the number of lesions, was then investigated. In Figure 4A, it can be observed that the error rate plateaus above 15% for all patients with 10+ lesions and reaches levels approximately 20% for patients with 20 lesions, for all levels of Omax. For comparison, the experiments were rerun with different variations of RECIST: RECIST 1.0, which allows the selection of up to 10 target lesions; and RECIST-random, where the readers are free to choose any target lesions, and are not limited by the largest ones (Fig. 4B). RECIST 1.0 reaches the lowest error rate, staying approximately 10%, even for patients with 20 lesions. Both RECIST-random 1.1 and RECIST-random 1.0 perform only slightly worse than the original counterparts, with RECIST-random 1.0 achieving a better estimation of the true response class than standard RECIST 1.1.


A, Error rate in classifying response with RECIST compared with the true tumor response, as defined by TTB, for different values of Omax. B, Error rate for Omax = 4, comparing variations of RECIST: 1.1, 1.0, with random lesions selected as target, and with adjudicator reader used when 2 readers disagree on the same case.

Finally, an additional setting, RECIST 1.1 with an adjudicator, was added: 2 readers independently perform the assessment, and if divergent, a third reader, that is, the adjudicator, is tasked to independently perform the conclusive assessment. As observed in Figure 4B, the error rate with an adjudicator is overall lower than that of RECIST 1.1, yet higher than RECIST 1.0.

Assessing the Impact of Nontarget Lesion Progression

Thus far, RECIST has been evaluated overlooking nontarget lesion behavior. As per guidelines, unequivocal nontarget lesion progression should prompt a PD classification. These guidelines, however, do not specify a minimum increase or require explicit radiological measurements. To address this in our model, it was assumed that a minimal growth, detectable by observation alone, exists. Different thresholds of “minimal identifiable growths” of 5%, 10%, 20%, and 50% were tested. Growth equal to or beyond these thresholds in any nontarget lesion will trigger the PD classification. The experiments from Examining Disagreement Between Readers and Evaluating RECIST in Estimating Alterations in Total Tumor Burden were repeated in this fashion, keeping the middle group (Omax = 4, Lmax = 10) as default reference.

Figures 5A–C illustrates the disagreement as a function of the number of lesions, organ involvement, and tumor growth rate. In terms of tumor extent (ie, number of lesions and number of organs), the introduction of nontarget lesions PD decreases the level of disagreement between readers, compared with the case where the nontarget lesions are completely ignored. The opposite trend is observed with respect to tumor growth, where it is observed that the introduction of nontarget lesions PD increases the disagreement between readers that tumors are responding to therapy (growth μ < 0). No trend is observed among the different thresholds with respect to different tumor extents, but it is evident with respect to tumor growth, where lower thresholds of identifiable growth result in higher disagreement between readers.


A–C, Mean disagreement levels as a function of the number of lesions, number of affected organs, mean lesion growth, with respective confidence intervals (±standard deviation). The different curves represent different thresholds for nontarget progression (5%, 10%, 20%, 50%) and no threshold for reference; default values of Lmax and Omax are 10 and 4, respectively. D, Error rate for Omax = 4, comparing the different nontarget progression thresholds.

Figure 5D illustrates the error rate when estimating the TTB response class, as a function of the maximum number of lesions per patient. It is observed that the identification of progression within nontarget lesions leads to a rise in the cumulative error rate. The increase in error rate correlates proportionally with the reader's sensitivity to detecting alterations in lesion size, namely, the higher the sensitivity of the reader in detecting small changes, the higher the error rate. Only when the reader's sensitivity in detecting the progression of nontarget lesions diminishes to the point where the reader is able to only identify increases of at least 50% is a minor reduction in the error rate observed. This is in comparison to the scenario where nontarget lesions are entirely disregarded or overlooked.


This study aimed to investigate target lesion selection as a cause of variability in RECIST, in a controlled experiment, by means of simulated models. Previous studies have identified and studied target lesion selection as a source of variability in response classification in real cohorts of patients.13–15 The advantage of a controlled experiment over an observational study is that it allows us to set the effects of the treatment and the characteristics of the patient cohort, and analyze the particular conditions under which RECIST is inconsistent, despite being correctly used. This helps us understand where the focus of future developments in tumor size–based response assessment should be—in polishing the already existing RECIST guidelines or in searching for better alternatives. Overall, our findings suggest a complex function linking patient characteristics with RECIST variability. In other words, although it is possible to explain the behavior of RECIST variability in relation to different characteristics of the patient cohorts, it seems impossible to draw a general rule that defines the expected level or behavior of RECIST variability in a simple fashion.

We observed that disagreement between readers increases linearly (and nearly independently from the number of organs) when the total number of lesions per patient increases, because the chances of different readers selecting the exact same target lesions decreases. RECIST recommends choosing target lesions based on size or on how reproducible their measurement is, which should help dilute differences between readers and lead to reduced variability. Selecting the largest lesions in diameter implicitly requires that lesions are sufficiently distinct in size such that the ones with the largest diameters are easily and uniquely identified, or that actual measurements of all the lesions are available such that the largest can be objectively chosen.18 Even when same-lesion actual measurements are carried out, there can be critical interobserver and intraobserver measurement discrepancies.9,13,21,22 Therefore, if the selection of the largest lesions has to be performed by visual inspection, it is expected that disagreements will aggravate further,18 especially if the lesions have complex shapes. In our simulation, we allowed the virtual readers to select lesions from a pool of “large lesions,” which we set to be all those within 20% of the size of the largest lesion, to account for the possibility of readers diverging in their discernment of what the largest lesions should be. Selecting the most reproducible lesions is also heavily subject to personal judgment. Readers need to decide if a lesion is “reproducible enough” or even of malignant nature16,17 and if it should be chosen in favor of a larger lesion. Furthermore, selecting the largest or the lesions with the most well-defined boundaries for measurement may imply that the lesions selected are the ones responding to treatment in a similar way,23 while largely overlooking the (nontarget) lesions that could be as or more determinant for treatment response assessment.24 Despite the criteria guiding the choice of target lesions, this is one of the main contributors to RECIST's inconsistency.13–15 As noted by Kuhl,23 although additional recommendations would indeed help reproducibility, these might also just be masking the fundamental problems of RECIST and constraining readers from selecting the same lesions, even if these are not representative of the true tumor burden.

The substantial disagreement in response assessment by different readers suggests that 5 lesions alone are not sufficient to assure an objective response assessment. This is confirmed in our experiments by the relatively high error rate of RECIST in predicting the true response class (based on the TTB), in comparison to the substantially lower error rate reported for RECIST 1.0 (which allows double the number of target lesions in the analysis) and the relatively small difference in performance with an alternative, hypothetical RECIST (which allows the selection of random target lesions, instead of the largest ones). Seeing that the selection of random lesions (instead of the largest ones) did not degrade the performance as much as decreasing the number of target lesions (from 10 to 5) suggests that the inclusion of the largest lesions had a small effect. We found that incorporating an adjudicator led to a decrease in the error rate when estimating the TTB. The adjudicator is introduced specifically only for patients for which the initial readers disagree, that is, for which there are already relatively high chances of disagreement. By including the adjudicator, we identify a response class that garnered agreement from at least 2 readers. The reduction in error rate suggests that this response class is closer to the actual true response class, based on TTB, which highlights the importance of having an adjudicator as suggested by RECIST guidelines. It is important to add, however, that the adjudication still did not provide the same accuracy as in selecting more target lesions, observed in comparison to RECIST 1.0.

Including more, if not all, lesions in the quantitative analysis would be the best way to reduce variability and help capture the true TTB, likely leading to a more representative evaluation of response to therapy,14,23 and possibly fewer patients required in clinical trials to prove the efficacy of the treatment. Because percent change is computed by taking into account the sum of the sizes of all target lesions, more importance is given to changes in larger lesions. This explains why we observe an increase in error when selecting random lesions compared with only large ones, which is aggravated if the number of target lesions is more limited.

In the simulation study of Moskowitz et al,18 the impact of the number of target lesions measured (10, 5, 3, 2, or 1) on response assessment was investigated. The authors agreed that measuring a smaller number of lesions led to a larger percentage of misclassified patients. Nevertheless, it was concluded that measuring 5 lesions was the best compromise between a good enough proxy for TTB and the labor-intensive task of assessing many lesions, because assessing 10 lesions did not provide added benefit. In the study of Schwartz et al,17 the authors defend that the number of lesions to be measured should be established based on the specific context of the study and intended comparisons with other studies.

In some therapies, clinical outcomes are associated with the site of metastasis.25–27 As patients usually have more than 1 site of measurable disease, spreading the choice of lesions across the body (by imposing a maximum of 2 target lesions per organ) allows for the selection of a complete set of lesions with varying degrees of response to therapy. Nevertheless, as we observed, when many lesions are concentrated in a single or few organs, this imposition creates high disagreement between readers. Including all measurable lesions together with a subanalysis of the tumor burden per organ could be warranted.

Disagreement between readers varied nonlinearly with the average tumor growth but increased linearly with disease stage. It was aggravated when the mean growth of single lesions was centered around the small percentages of growth or shrinkage. The further away mean lesion growth of the set of target lesions is from the cutoffs for PD (20%) and PR (−30%), the clearer the attribution of the response category is. However, when mean lesion growth is closer to these cutoffs, classifying response is more troublesome and completely dependent on the selected lesions. The coarse compartmentalization of response into 4 categories has been the target of critique. It has been proposed that a system that describes lesion growth as a continuous variable18,23,28 would be more appropriate for assessing response to therapy.29,30 Furthermore, although percent change allows us to compare patients with different levels of baseline tumor burden easily, one could also question the appropriateness of this metric. For example, when assessing the significance of a doubling in size of a lesion, it becomes essential to consider whether such a change holds equal clinical relevance for lesions with vastly different baseline sizes. A lesion with a very small diameter at baseline experiencing a doubling in size may not carry the same clinical implications as a larger lesion exhibiting a similar change. Consequently, the influence of time as a crucial factor cannot be overlooked. Estimating the rate of growth, therefore the factor of time between measurements, and incorporating it into the analysis become imperative to obtain a comprehensive and accurate understanding of the response assessment.

When the threshold for nontarget progression was set at a smaller value, the error rate in estimating the TTB increased. This results in a paradox wherein the identical lesion, exhibiting the same percent growth, would have different implications depending on its target/nontarget classification. If classified among the target lesions, it would have to be considered in conjunction with the remaining target lesions. However, if it was categorized as a nontarget lesion, it would independently constitute progression. In general, we can conclude that a minor progression in nontarget lesions should not automatically classify a patient as having PD, which aligns with the RECIST guidelines. However, the absence of a more quantitative assessment of nontarget disease, combined with possible differing opinions among readers on what constitutes unequivocal progression, can still lead to variations in the application of RECIST.

Our results must be interpreted in the light of the default values chosen for the input parameters, and the overall behavior of the simulation curves should be the focus point. We estimated the default values of mean lesion growth and variance from 3 real datasets of patients, as a way of approximating 2 possible scenarios of growth patterns between baseline and first follow-up. For example, if patient, organ, and residual default variances were very small, we would expect to see 2 disagreement peaks centered around the exact cutoff percentages for PD and PR. Because of the nature of the simulation, where lesion growth is sampled from a truncated multivariate normal distribution with nonsmall variance, we do not observe CR, and we still observe some disagreement when μ = −100%. Furthermore, in the case of malignant lymph nodes, it would be necessary to introduce additional complexity to the simulation model by specifying the exact organs where lesions are situated. This arises from the criterion that classifies lymph node lesions as nonmalignant if they measure less than 10 mm on their short axis. The current model does not explicitly specify the organs, operating on the premise that a complete response is observed when all lesions are no longer present, which does not hold true for lymph nodes. Regardless of whether lymph nodes are involved, classifying a patient with CR does not rely on the selection of target lesions.

In our simulation model, we did not explicitly take into account selection variability arising from the identification of what should be considered “reproducible” lesions. The readers were simulated such that they had to choose a maximum of 5 and no more than 2 lesions per organ, and only from the largest pool of lesions. However, there was no other explicit rule to force the readers to spread their choice of lesions as much as possible through the organs. Reader experience and possible appearance of new lesions were also not considered. This model also does not evaluate measurement variability, as the diameters of the lesions generated are assumed to be “accurately measured.”

Volumetric measures have been described as a better discriminator of tumor size changes than RECIST's linear measurements,31 related to the capacity of tumor volumetry better describing the size of irregular lesions32,33 and to the reduced interobserver variability.34–36 Although manual tumor segmentation is very labor-demanding, advances in artificial intelligence for automatic volumetric tumor segmentation of whole-body scans37–39 might soon be integrated in clinical practice. Such a development could change the landscape of response assessment2 by replacing target lesion selection with TTB estimation and rethinking the coarse threshold-based compartmentalization of response. Furthermore, it would also become feasible to analyze individual lesions, addressing the potential variability in how different lesions of the same patient respond to treatment.40

In conclusion, response assessment according to RECIST 1.1 experiences large variability due to the selection of target lesions, especially in a metastatic setting. Even if readers were to agree on the same set of target lesions, it cannot be guaranteed that these are representative of TTB and response to treatment. Recognizing that measuring more, if not all, measurable lesions in clinical practice is unrealistic, future efforts should focus on incorporating whole-body automatic segmentation models to achieve a more objective and accurate response assessment.

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