MeSH 搜索器

Positive Regulatory Domain I-Binding Factor 1

A transcriptional repressor protein that contains an N-terminal PR-SET domain, four C-terminal CYS2-HIS2 ZINC FINGERS, and binds the PRDI element in the INTERFERON-BETA gene. It has methyltransferase activity and mediates gene transcription in tissue-specific innate and adaptive immune lymphocyte T-CELLS, repressing expression of proteins that promote exit of these tissue-specific T-cell populations from non-lymphoid organs.
推出的年份: 2018
树号: D08.811.913.555.500.800.700, D12.776.260.703.650, D12.776.930.780.904
MeSH 单一 ID: D000074462
  • Positive Regulatory Domain I Binding Factor 1
  • PRDI-BF1 Protein
  • PRDI BF1 Protein
  • B Lymphocyte-Induced Maturation Protein 1
  • B Lymphocyte Induced Maturation Protein 1
  • PRDM1 Protein
  • BLIMP1 Protein
  • Repressor Proteins (1994-2017)

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